
Disadvantages of using environment variables to pass parameters

Disadvantages of using environment variables to pass parameters

The only downside of an environment variable compared to a command-line option is that you can set the environment variable in your shell and ...

The Pros and Cons of Environment Variables - PyCon Italia

The security concerns with Environment Variables ... During Alexander's presentation, he showed the path an attacker might take when it comes to ...

Analyzing the Hidden Danger of Environment Variables for Keeping ...

However, from a cloud security perspective, passing a secret inside an environment variable should be avoided and discussed more. This is ...

9 Things I Hate About Environment Variables - Prefab

Specific Challenges with Environment Variables​ · 1. Environment Variable Whack-a-Mole​ · 2. Scattered Defaults​ · 3. No Types & Unsafe ...

4 Reasons Not To Use Environment Variables | by Ben Brazier - Torvo

Environment variables are always set as strings. This means any value that needs to be set as another type in the software will need to parse it ...

Is it unsafe to use environmental variables for secret data?

To be even more paranoid, you may want to override the environment variable's old bytes in-place, to protect against code with raw memory access ...

Don't use environment variables for configuration | Hacker News

The actual thing that is bad is grabbing an environment variable in the middle of your program. You should grab all the configuration in one ...

Why are environment variables considered more secure? : r/selfhosted

Historically one reason we parametrized apps with environment variable is to keep the values out of a ps list. Over the decades we've had ...

Why avoid using environment variables as configuration? - HitchDev

Environment variables are a form of global state. Every variable is associated only with the environment. The variables will be shared with many other variables ...

If global variables are bad, why are environment variables ... - Reddit

Env variables are great for passing values from outside into your application, but once inside the application, most of the code really shouldn' ...

The 5 main issues with environment variables — solved with AWS ...

A clear example is AWS Lambda, with a 4KB quota for all environment variables associated with the function. It means you wouldn't be able to fit ...

Why is passing the secrets via environmental variables considered ...

The script could only be readable by your user. Using an environment variable properly will keep it out of your command history. The concern is ...

Unix: What are the drawbacks of having too many paths as ... - Quora

Running 'env' on a system with a lot of environment variables is usually a painful experience unless grep is employed. This also means that ...

It's time to deprecate the .env file - Medium

You introduce a variable and don't tell other team members about the update. They start developing only to run into bugs associated with the ...

Environment Variables: How to Use Them and 4 Critical Best Practices

Implement variable scoping for clarity Define environment variables with scoped names (e.g., APP_DB_HOST , APP_API_KEY ) to clearly indicate ...

Put down that ENV; what you should know about ENV configuration

I know what environment variables are! It's a key-value store that I can use to pass things to my app at runtime! Well, you aren't entirely ...

Environment Variables: What They Are and How To Use Them - Kinsta

Another popular option for storing environment variables is to rely on your deployment platform's variable storage. Most deployment environments ...

.env files vs. EnvKey: Advantages and Disadvantages

env) and fill it up with KEY=VAL environment variable pairs for any configuration your app needs for a particular environment. You (hopefully) put this file in ...

Favor Config Files over Env Vars - Medium

Using env vars, you are limited to strings. No lists, no structures such as JSON, and not even numbers. Strings. This means you need to handle ...

Stop Using .env Files Now! - DEV Community

If you team or org all pull the same config, they will automatically get updated with the latest values. No need to send it over slack, no need ...