
Do some variables not hold their value when a while loop is exited?

Do some variables not hold their value when a while loop is exited?

Variables declared outside of a loop will be accessible inside the loop, modifiable within the loop, and hold their value when exiting the loop.

c++ - Why does the variable lose its value after exiting for loop?

I'm new in the programming world. I couldn't find anything related online. My variable num doesn't hold the value assigned to it inside the for ...

Value of variable set in 'while read' loop looses value outside the loop

Loops are run as a separate process so variables inside a loop are destroyed when the loop ends. If you can use Python, it does keep ...

If a variable is declared inside a for loop, does it still exist when the ...

So I think even if it does, it's better off that you do not take advantage in this “feature” in code writing. Let variables declared in loops be ...

Is variable value kept after For.. in ... do loop?

It's the same issue for both types of for loops. The value of the loop variable is undefined if the for loop terminates normally.

Is using a while(true) loop bad coding practice? - Reddit

There's just no NEED for a break when the loop can be well defined about it's exit criteria. Edit: i guess I don't know how to format code on ...

Is it better to declare a repeatedly-used variable inside a loop or ...

If you define outside the loop, the variable is not cleared in each iteration and even after the loop ends. Eg: //inside loop. while(1){.

Do...Loop statement (VBA) - Microsoft Learn

Loop statement loops 10 times, asks the user if it should keep going, sets the value of the flag to False when they select No, and exits ...

Loops in Ruby - performing repeated operations on a data set

A loop is the repetitive execution of a piece of code for a given amount of repetitions or until a certain condition is met. We will cover while loops, do/while ...

Variables in loops are not reset between iterations #56223 - GitHub

Variables declared in the body of the loop are not reset between iterations unless you explicitly initialize them ( var a = 0 ).

Intro to Ada Pt. 4 - Ada Resource Association

In Ada, the exit command terminates a loop. It does not terminate a program. loop if condition then exit; end if; end loop;. This construct is so common that a ...

4.1. While Loops — AP CSAwesome - Runestone Academy

If the condition is false the first time you check it, the body of the loop will not execute. Notice the while statement looks a lot like an if statement, but ...

Exit a loop in C++ - GeeksforGeeks

Explanation: In the above code, the loop terminates the iteration for i=2 and prints the values of i before and after 2. Hence, it only ...

continually prompt user in do while loop, declare response outside ...

Now continually prompt the user in a do while loop. The loop should continue running as long as the response is No. Don't forget to declare ...

User Input and While Loops in Python - Learner

We can make program runs as long as the user wants by putting most of the code inside a while loop. We'll define a quit value and then keep the ...

Loops and iterations - PY4E - Python for Everybody

We call the variable that changes each time the loop executes and controls when the loop finishes the iteration variable. If there is no iteration variable, the ...

for - JavaScript | MDN - MDN Web Docs - Mozilla

This also happens if you use a var statement as the initialization, because variables declared with var are only function-scoped, but not ...

Python while loop - SQLPad

After the code block has been executed, the condition is checked again, and if it still holds True , the loop will execute once more. This ...

4 Using PL/SQL Control Structures

Until the condition is true, the CONTINUE-WHEN statement acts like a NULL statement (except for the evaluation of its condition) and does not terminate the ...

Loops in Java (for, while, do-while) - Scaler Topics

The empty while loop doesn't contain any statement in its body. It behaves as an infinite loop if the initial condition is satisfied.