
Docker Compose reference

Compose file reference - Docker Docs

Find the latest recommended version of the Docker Compose file format for defining multi-container applications.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications. It is the key to unlocking a streamlined and efficient development and ...

docker compose - Docker Docs

Use the -f flag to specify the location of a Compose configuration file. Specifying multiple Compose files. You can supply multiple -f configuration files. When ...

compose-spec/ at main - GitHub

The default path for a Compose file is compose.yaml (preferred) or compose.yml that is placed in the working directory. Compose also supports docker-compose.

Docker Compose reference | Okteto Documentation

The .env file​. You can set default values for any environment variables referenced in your Docker Compose file in an environment file named .env . The .env ...

Docker compose reference? : r/docker - Reddit

Of course compose mostly is just a way to way to let you describe in a yaml syntax the docker run command you would use to create a container.

docker compose up - Docker Docs

The docker compose up command aggregates the output of each container (like docker compose logs --follow does). One can optionally select a subset of services ...

The docker-compose.yml file | Divio Documentation

Find Divio's technical reference guide on the docker-compose.yml file. In order to do something useful with containers, they have to be orchestrated.

Compose file version 3 reference - Docker Documentation

Compose file structure and examples ... role==manager" visualizer: image: dockersamples/visualizer:stable ports: - "8080:8080" stop_grace_period: 1m30s volumes: ...

docker compose config - Docker Docs

docker compose config renders the actual data model to be applied on the Docker Engine. It merges the Compose files set by -f flags, resolves variables in the ...

Docker Compose Specification

The Compose Specification is a developer-focused standard for defining cloud and platform agnostic container-based applications. View The Spec. Cloud Agnostic.

Reference | Docker Docs

File formats ; Dockerfile. Defines the contents and startup behavior of a single container. ; Compose file. Defines a multi-container application.

Compose file version 3 reference | Docker Documentation

Service configuration reference. The Compose file is a YAML file defining services, networks and volumes. The default path for a Compose file is ./docker- ...

Compose file version 2 reference - Docker Documentation

Service configuration reference . The Compose file is a YAML file defining services, networks and volumes. The default path for a Compose file is ./docker- ...

Compose file version 1 reference | Docker Documentation

Service configuration reference. The Version 1 Compose file is a YAML file that defines services. The default path for a Compose file is ./docker-compose.yml .

docker compose build

Services are built once and then tagged, by default as project-service . If the Compose file specifies an image name, the image is tagged with that name, ...

Using Images, Dockerfiles, and Docker Compose

Rather than adding things like databases or redis to your Dockerfile, you can reference existing images for these services and focus your Dev ...

docker-compose cheatsheet - Devhints

Reference# ; Building. web: # build from Dockerfile build ; Ports. ports: - "3000" ; Commands. # command to execute command · command: ...

Supported Docker Compose File Options - VMware

Compose File Reference, Supported. build, Options applied at build time, No. cap_add , cap_drop, Add or drop container capabilities, No. Depends on docker run ...

docker-compose.yml fields - balena docs

Reference; Device supervisor; docker-compose.yml fields. Improve this doc. docker-compose.yml fields. Our compose-file support is currently based on version 2.4 ...