
Does anyone Develop websites with just HTML / CSS / JS anymore?

Do people build websites with just html/css/vanilla js anymore or is ...

If all you need is to make a simple website, then html and css are really all you need. I do that everyday at my job and in my freelance ...

Why does nobody build a website like the old days with three files ...

You lose the ability to cache files on the browser ( js/CSS are heavily cached) or server static page elements ( images/CSS/js) from another ...

Ask HN: What happened to vanilla HTML/CSS/JS development?

I love the web, and I still do personal web projects, even though I don't do them for work anymore. I just exclusively use vanilla JS, and make ...

Do people still build websites from scratch? -

About 15 years ago, I learnt the basics of how to build my own website from scratch using html. I have been out of the game since then. I just want to get a ...

Ask HN: Does anyone write HTML anymore? - Hacker News

Yes, I write plain HTML, and have done since 199-, with JS sprinkles in sometimes. Most of the pages of my current main site have no JS at all. Almost ...

Are HTML and CSS enough to get a job as a web developer?

If you have only HTML and CSS but you are also an artist or have a strongly designed portfolio with deep knowledge of topics like accessibility, ...

JavaScript has ruined CSS for me! Anybody else? - Treehouse

I haven't really touched any of my HTML/CSS files since I first started the JS basics course and I don't think I ever want to. Ever since I ...

Can I make a website with absolutely no JavaScript and just CSS ...

No, you can't build a complete website using only JavaScript without HTML or CSS. Here's why: HTML provides the structure of your web page, like ...

Do people still code HTML and CSS by hand? - Cocoon

Of course they do. In fact, every web developer should still be coding HTML and CSS by hand, even in current times where WYSIWYG editors and drag-and-drop ...

Should I study HTML and CSS before Elixir? - Questions / Help

You can make a website with just HTML and CSS, no programming language involved. They are essential. Most likely you will also use Javascript.

Should web designers learn JavaScript or CSS? - DEV Community

I think that every designer should have some basic knowldege of HTML/CSS and how the web works in general. I know a lot of designer that simply ...

Google Sites adding HTML/CSS/Javascript - Sites Community

The whole point of Google Site is for people who do not know HTML/CSS/JavaScript - Google will never add this to Google Sites a Google provides ...

Does Anyone Use Vanilla CSS Anymore? - HTML All The Things

There are a lot of ways to write CSS either directly or indirectly. By using tools like SASS, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, and many more - you're largely avoiding ...

How Much HTML, CSS, & JavaScript Is Enough? - YouTube

I am a UI designer and I send Devs Figma files but I still made sure to learn HTML and CSS so that I create designs that are actually possible to build.

The Debate Around "Do We Even Need CSS Anymore?"

By moving CSS into JS, or worse still HTML, you remove any potential ... CSS and go for JS-only.= front-end development. It was only ...

Building a website like it's 1999... in 2022 - localghost

Sites like Geocities, Angelfire, Tripod and Expage offered free static hosting for all, and the number of personal websites boomed. Some hosts ...

Where can I find a web designer who is still willing to create a ...

Many web developers still create a website with HTML, CSS, and Javascript for you, but it totally depends on how much customization you need. If you are working ...

15 Stunning HTML Websites in 2024 [+ How They Work]

I think that it's a great reminder that you don't need fancy CSS and JavaScript effects to build a great HTML website. Those elements can help ...

HTML/CSS advice, got any? - Get Started - SitePoint Forums

3. Javascript > flash - better than flash for the most part? An entire website in flash is bad for a beginner and only works well with well ...

JavaScript - MDN Web Docs - Mozilla

JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted (or just-in-time compiled) programming language with first-class functions.