
Does using Bootstrap make me lazy? What are the disadvantages of ...

Does using Bootstrap make me lazy? What are the disadvantages of ...

No it doesn't makes you lazy anyhow. Firstly, it follows DRY and Don't reinvent the wheel concepts by providing utilities like Grid system, ...

Is it considered bad practice/lazy to use Bootstrap? - HTML-CSS

It's definitely helped me get responsive layouts working with barely any problems at all - but I also feel like I should learn how to build ...

Does using Bootstraps look lazy or bad? : r/webdev - Reddit

Using a theme/bootstrap is not cheating, it's a smart allocation of your limited time. If you design your architecture well, then changing the ...

The pros and cons of using Bootstrap for front-end development

Additionally, relying too heavily on Bootstrap's JavaScript can limit your flexibility and make it harder to integrate other JavaScript ...

Is it considered bad practice/lazy to use Bootstrap? - HTML-CSS

I just wanted to make sure we are talking about the right thing as I've never heard of a grid method in HTML. Semantics, clarity and proper ...

What do you guys think of Bootstrap? It is lazy to use it. | Sololearn ...

And sometimes it's lots of work to get the same affects by myself. Would it make me unskilled or not a real developer? Let me know your thoughts please ...

Why not bootstrap?? - nopCommerce

It is Lazy, not better. If you are ... there are many advantages using bootstrap I thing ... u can create anything with bootstrap by the way I ...

Vanilla CSS vs Bootstrap vs Tailwind: Which Is Right For You?

Customization often leads to writing monotonous code that could be better off done with vanilla CSS. And finally, depending on how you import ...

To those saying devs who use Bootstrap are lazy, shut your smelly ...

It makes no sense to me at all! The most annoying part is those devs who condemn Bootstrap and its users make use of ReactJS, Preact, Vue.js ...

html - How does Twitter Bootstrap's icon work? - Stack Overflow

What are the advantages/disadvantages ... Either that or it makes me think is a lazy ... PS using text indent to hide text is not accessible ...

Will using bootstrap in my projects make me a lazy web designer?

In terms of laziness I feel the main problem with bootstrap is a lot of people get started on it. Then the laziness comes from a refusal to ...

Help me convince coworkers why Bootstrap 4 is not the answer.

Bootstrap's framework has excess, non-semantic classes and it completely litters markup. If you want to create layouts that best fit the ...

What are some advantages of lazy loading? - Quora

Does using Bootstrap make me lazy? What are the disadvantages of using Bootstrap? ... using the lazy loading in those cases is better. As a short summary ...

10 Most Common Bootstrap Mistakes That Developers Make | Toptal®

If you are thinking that if you are using Bootstrap you will not need to know CSS, you are very wrong. Any front-end developer needs to learn CSS and HTML5.

Angular Standalone Components: Complete Guide

For me, the main benefit of standalone components is that they make it super easy to develop a fully lazy-loaded application, or migrate an ...

Re: CSS Grid or Bootstrap 4: What should I be lea... - Adobe ...

This allowed me to create an easy fallback using Flex for those browsers that do not recognise Grid. An all Grid presentation made me very excited until I ...

Bootstrap general comments - General Discussions - osCommerce ...

Another thing is, how robust is Bootstrap when dealing with older browsers? ... use the packaged stuff - makes us lazy I guess. ... That make me a Luddite?

my honest opinion :: Bootstrap Island General Discussions

when everything is wobbling around like in surgeon simulator it stress me. ... i think i am a typical lazy ... give me some optional settings i can ...

When should I use Lazy? - Stack Overflow

From MSDN: IMPORTANT: Lazy initialization is thread-safe, but it doesn't protect the object after creation. You must lock the object before ...

Using Lazy Load Images within a Bootstrap Grid - Solodev

Using the Bootstrap grid system, you can create ... with the technical limitations or loading dozens of images. ... Follow me on Twitter. RELATED POSTS.