
Drainage Water Management Facts

Drainage Water Management Facts

Drainage water management (DWM) helps to control the amount and timing of water leaving agricultural fields through tile lines. DWM works by adding water ...

Drainage Water Management Factsheet

... drainage systems as they create and manage a functional DWM System. Here is a list of information needed to develop a DWM plan: • farm & field ...

Drainage Water Management - Purdue Engineering

Drainage water management is the practice of using a water control structure in the main, submain, (or sometimes lateral) drain to raise the drainage outlet to ...

Drainage Water Management (Controlled Drainage) - SERA-17

Drainage water management (DWM), also known as controlled drainage, is the practice of artificially manipulating the outlet elevation to manage the water table ...

Water Management - Natural Resources Conservation Service - USDA

As the name suggests, drainage water management helps producers manage water on their fields. This practice can increase production, keep nutrients on the ...

Drainage Water Management - Sustainable Corn

Drainage water management (DWM) has the potential to reduce the impact of climate change on the productivity of agricultural systems by providing opportunities ...

Drainage Water Management - Ecosystem Services Exchange

Drainage Water Management (DWM) is a low cost, effective water conservation practice that controls soil water table elevations and the timing of water ...

Multipurpose Drainage Management (MDM) Fact Sheet

It's the use of various practices and designs to achieve multiple water management purposes and goals, including drainage. Minnesota's comprehensive local water ...

Controlled Drainage

Controlled drainage, also known as drainage water management, is the practice of using a water control structure to raise the depth of the drainage outlet.

drainage water management: a practice for reducing nitrate

However, there are practical limitations on a portion of these areas, such as the fact that many existing drainage systems were not designed for drainage water ...

Drainage Water Management for the Midwest - Purdue Extension

Drainage water management is one of these practices and is described in this fact sheet. Answers given here apply specifically to Midwest corn and soybean ...

Drainage water management - Journal of Soil and Water Conservation

The measured impact varied over a wide range (18% to more than 75% reduction in N loss to surface waters), depending on drainage system design, location, soil, ...

Drain Water Management - SARE

Drainage water management, or controlled drainage, is a conservation drainage practice that focuses on managing the timing and flow of water leaving your ...

Drainage Water Management Structures

Drainage Water Management (DWM) is an NRCS-approved conservation practice that manages water discharges from surface and subsurface agricultural drainage ...

Planning a Drainage Water Management System

A soil map is usually included in a DWM plan. Soil information is available from the USDA. Natural Resources Conservation Service nationwide. Paper books are ...

Drainage Water Management

and handbook chapters, and books provide information on what is known about drainage water management. • NRCS Conservation Practice Standard 554, “Drain-.

Management of Drainage Water

Drainage water can be disposed directly to open surface water bodies, e.g., rivers, lakes, outfall drains, seas or oceans. If drainage water is disposed off ...

Drainage Water Management Structures

Drainage Water Management (DWM) is an NRCS-approved conservation engineering practice that manages water discharges from subsurface agricultural drainage ...

Landscape and Drainage Water Management | MU Extension

Integrated systems that address landscape and drainage water management such as subsurface tile drainage, cover crops, soil and water conservation practices, ...

Physical drainage water management options

This is achieved through irrigation water conservation measures and the reuse, disposal and treatment of drainage water. Managing drainage water at the field, ...