
Dynamic loading with require.context

Is it possible to use `require.context` to do dynamic imports for ...

I am currently using require.context to load all my .vue components that do not have a filename ending with Async.

Dynamic loading with require.context - SurviveJS

Conclusion. # · require.context is an advanced feature that's often hidden behind the scenes. · A dynamic import written in a certain form generates a require.

Require.ensure + Require.context to have multiple dynamic loaded ...

I was wondering if something like the following is possible. Given the data structure: docs doc1.json doc2.json And the following code: ...

Load files dynamically with Webpack - EAMS@DEV

Webpack's require.context. Webpack's require.context function allows you to create a context in which you can use the require function to ...

Import images dynamically using require.context - MeloSpace

Using require.context to create a customised context · the directory to match within, · a boolean flag to include or exclude subdirectories, · a ...

webpack - What is `require.context`? - Stack Overflow

Dynamically loading CSS in Webpack 5 without CSS modules? 0 · Loading ... webpack loader options in require.context · 6 · __webpack_require ...

Dynamic loading of post content for static site? : r/reactjs - Reddit

const context = require.context('.', true, /.+\.mdx?$/, 'lazy'); // get all filenames context.keys(); // load ...

Dynamic imports supported in react native | by Danny Williams

However this kind of functionality has been in webpack and other web bundlers for some time. Now that we have access to require.context we can ...

Natively implement dynamic imports in React Native - LogRocket Blog

context , you now can make imports based on a variable or a regex. Here is an example of how you can use require.context to import all the ...

Dependency Management - webpack

This means dynamic requires are supported but will cause all matching modules to be included in the bundle. require.context. You can create your own context ...

Webpack and Dynamic Imports: Doing it Right - Medium

In old versions of Webpack (v1), we commonly used the AMD “require” or the specific Webpack “require.ensure” to dynamic load modules.

context · webpack/docs Wiki - GitHub

A context is created if your require() contains an expression rather than a string literal, so the exact module is not known on compile time.

Module Methods - webpack

The ES2015 Loader spec defines import() as method to load ES2015 modules dynamically on runtime. ... json$/, 'lazy'); context('localeA').then((locale) ...

ECMAScript Asynchronicity - dynamic import - Blog Eleven Labs

Now, we can dynamically load them by simply require ing them: const context = require.context('./editors/', ...

Module Methods - Rspack

context is a function specific to webpack that allows you to dynamically require a set of modules. You can use require.context in your code, and Rspack will ...

AEM ui.frontend Module: Code Splitting, Dynamic Imports and ... - Blog

chunkFilename - Where the chunks generated by require.context should go. output.publicPath - Where the Loader should look for the dynamic ...

How Webpack Handles Dynamic Imports with Variable Paths

Sometimes you don't want the browser to download the file immediately, you want to load it only when it's needed, and for that, you can use a dynamic import.

RequireJS API

Note: the script tag require.js generates for your data-main module includes the async attribute. This means that you cannot assume that the load and execution ...

vite-plugin-import-context - NPM

vite-plugin-import-context · Similar to webpack's require.context · ⚡ Support dynamic loading · Detailed documentation and examples ...

bad practice dynamically load a Context Provider in your app.tsx file?

It's always hard to comment on projects that I'm not directly familiar with, but based on this description, dynamic imports in your initial ...