
EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001493152|24|046256

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001493152-24-046256 -

Form NT 10-Q - Notification of inability to timely file Form 10-Q or 10-QSB: SEC Accession No. 0001493152-24-046256. Filing Date. 2024-11-15. Accepted. 2024 ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001493152-24-046503 -

SEC Accession ; 1, form8-k.htm iXBRL ; 2, ex99-1.htm ; 3, ex99-1_001.jpg ; Complete submission text file, 0001493152-24-046503.txt ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001493152-24-046087 -

Documents. 1. Document Format Files. Seq, Description, Document, Type, Size. 1, form424b3.htm, 424B3, 890296. Complete submission text file ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001705110-24-000118 -

Document, Type, Size. 1, FORM 4, wk-form4_1731964331.html, 4. 1, FORM 4, wk-form4_1731964331.xml, 4, 3662. Complete submission text file ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001127602-24-027479 -

SEC Accession ; 1, PRIMARY DOCUMENT, form4.xml, 4, 3701 ; Complete submission text file, 0001127602-24-027479.txt, 5179 ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001950047-24-008770 -

SEC Accession ; 1, primary_doc.xml, 144, 4048 ; Complete submission text file, 0001950047-24-008770.txt, 5662 ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001334940-24-000009 -

Search the Next-Generation EDGAR System »; Company Search ... 0001334940-24-000009.txt, 5777. Mailing Address C/O KINSALE CAPITAL ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0000950170-24-127942 -

Documents. 2. Period of Report. 2024-11-14. Document Format Files. Seq, Description, Document, Type, Size. 1, 4, ownership.html, 4. 1, 4 ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001593968-24-001392 -

SEC Accession ; 2, EX-24 DOCUMENT, poapawlak.txt, EX-24, 10791 ; Complete submission text file, 0001593968-24-001392.txt, 17022 ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001127602-24-027483 -

SEC Accession ; 1, PRIMARY DOCUMENT, form4.xml, 4, 6115 ; Complete submission text file, 0001127602-24-027483.txt, 7624 ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0000950170-24-128122 -

Document Format Files. Seq, Description, Document, Type, Size. 1, 4, ownership.html, 4. 1, 4, ownership.xml, 4, 2916. 2, EX-24.TXT, hca-ex24_txt ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001293971-24-000068

Item 5.02: Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001562180-24-007748 -

PRIMARY DOCUMENT, primarydocument.xml, 4, 3550. 2, POA, svandanapoa.txt, EX-24, 3196. Complete submission text file, 0001562180-24-007748.txt ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001835632-24-000186 -

Document, Type, Size. 1, FORM 4, wk-form4_1731973213.html, 4. 1, FORM 4, wk-form4_1731973213.xml, 4, 3491. Complete submission text file ...

SEC Filings | Tesla Investor Relations

Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities. Acc-no: 0001771340-24-000007. HTML · PDF. Nov 13, 2024. 4. Statement of changes in beneficial ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001493152-24-045904 -

Seq, Description, Document, Type, Size. 3, XBRL SCHEMA FILE, vvos-20241114.xsd, EX-101.SCH, 3006. 4, XBRL LABEL FILE, vvos-20241114_lab.xml ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001835632-24-000188 -

Document, Type, Size. 1, FORM 4, wk-form4_1731973369.html, 4. 1, FORM 4, wk-form4_1731973369.xml, 4, 3210. Complete submission text file ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001959173-24-007943 -

Seq, Description, Document, Type, Size. 1, primary_doc.html, 144. 1, primary_doc.xml, 144, 4145. Complete submission text file ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0000921895-24-002772 -

SEC Accession ; 1, OWNERSHIP DOCUMENT, form407785006_11182024.xml, 4, 17834 ; Complete submission text file, 0000921895-24-002772.txt, 21621 ...

EDGAR Filing Documents for 0001840776-24-000258 -

Document, Type, Size. 1, FORM 4, wk-form4_1731964893.html, 4. 1, FORM 4, wk-form4_1731964893.xml, 4, 6765. Complete submission text file ...