
EU AI Act Summary

High-level summary of the AI Act | EU Artificial Intelligence Act

In this article we provide you with a high-level summary of the AI Act, selecting the parts which are most likely to be relevant to you regardless of who you ...

AI Act | Shaping Europe's digital future - European Union

The AI Act is the first-ever comprehensive legal framework on AI worldwide. The aim of the new rules is to foster trustworthy AI in Europe and beyond, by ...

The EU AI Act: What it means for your business | EY - Switzerland

The AI Act aims to ensure that AI systems in the EU are safe and respect fundamental rights and values. Moreover, its objectives are to foster investment and ...

The European Union's AI Act: What You Need to Know | Insights

The European Union's (EU) Artificial Intelligence Act aims to establish a comprehensive legal framework for developing and using AI systems ...

Long awaited EU AI Act becomes law after publication in the EU's ...

The EU AI Act bans certain AI practices across the EU, which it considers harmful, abusive and in contradiction with EU values. The prohibited ...

What is the EU AI Act? - IBM

The Artificial Intelligence Act of the European Union, also known as the EU AI Act or the AI Act, is a law that governs the development ...

The EU AI Act: A Quick Guide

The EU AI Act (AIA) is the EU's flagship new artificial intelligence regulation. The final text of the AIA was published in the Official Journal of the EU ...

EU AI Act: first regulation on artificial intelligence | Topics

In April 2021, the European Commission proposed the first EU regulatory framework for AI. It says that AI systems that can be used in different ...

EU Artificial Intelligence Act | Up-to-date developments and ...

The AI Act is a European regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) – the first comprehensive regulation on AI by a major regulator anywhere.

Decoding the EU Artificial Intelligence Act - KPMG International

The EU's AI Act aims to strike a delicate balance, fostering AI adoption while upholding individuals' rights to responsible, ethical, and trustworthy AI use.

EU AI Act: 101 - International Association of Privacy Professionals

The EU AI Act was published in the Official Journal of the European Union 12 July. The act's implementation will be consequential to the governance of AI in the ...

EU publishes its AI Act: Key steps for organizations | DLA Piper

The AI Act serves as a comprehensive, sector-agnostic, regulatory regime intended to form the foundation of AI governance and regulation across the EU.

The EU AI Act: An Overview - Dechert LLP

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) is set to become law this summer. Styled by the European Parliament as 'the world's first comprehensive AI law'.

The EU AI Act: Pioneering the Future of AI Regulation - NCC Group

The Act regulates numerous organisations involved in developing, distributing, and deploying AI systems in the EU market, including providers, ...

The EU AI Act: What Businesses Need To Know | Insights

The AI Act applies to providers, deployers, importers and distributors of AI systems, regardless of their location, if they do any of the following within the ...

The EU AI Act: A Primer

The AI Act is a legal framework governing the sale and use of artificial intelligence in the EU. Its official purpose is to ensure the proper functioning of ...

EU AI Act – Landmark Law on Artificial Intelligence Approved by the ...

The AI Act will prohibit certain AI systems in the EU. It also sets out various categories or tiers of AI systems that each carry different ...

Summary: What does the European Union Artificial Intelligence Act ...

The AI Act regulates all AI systems that are placed on the market in the European Union (“EU”) or put into service by providers (whether based ...

The New EU AI Act – the 10 key things you need to know now

The AI Act is the first formal legislation to begin to fill in the gaps of ethical and regulatory principles to which organisations must adhere when deploying ...

The European Parliament Adopts the AI Act - WilmerHale

On March 13, 2024, the European Parliament adopted the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). It is considered to be the world's first comprehensive horizontal ...