
EU policy and implementation

EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! - Coursera

48 minutes to complete Understanding policy and the European policy process. Module 2•15 hours to complete EU Decision-making.

Implementing EU law - European Commission

The Commission is responsible for making sure that all EU countries properly apply EU law. In this role, the Commission is referred to as the 'guardian of the ...

Online Course EU Policy & Implementation: Making Europe Work!

In this top-rated course, you will learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and ...

Policy, law – decision-making process | European Union

EU policies are typically decided through the ordinary legislative procedure (formerly known as the 'co-decision' procedure).


We use a newly-compiled dataset to investigate whether and why European. Union countries implement the economic policy recommendations they.

Approaching EU Policy-Making - Eipa

Until there is an EU rule governing an issue, Member States may adopt their own measures, so long as these do not conflict with any other part of EU law. Once ...

Full article: Differentiated policy implementation in the European Union

This special issue analyses the patterns, causes and consequences of Differentiated Policy Implementation (DPI) in the European Union (EU).

Policy Implementation in the EU: Delivering Services to Citizens?

The interactions between EU policy-makers, national, regional and/or local governments, and their frontline implementers, shape the way in which citizens will ...

Policy complexity and implementation performance in the European ...

EU decision-making over new policies and their evaluation are at least partially externalized and formally separate from their national ...

EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! - Class Central

In this course, we learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various ...

EU Policy -

EU policy is at the heart of nature conservation, climate change and sustainable development efforts across Europe. It not only impacts the region but has ...

Applying, Enforcing, and Implementing European Union Rules

This article is not a fully-fledged, state-of-the-art report but it aims to offer an interesting review of existing work on EU policy implementation.

EU Policy - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

EU Policy refers to the set of guidelines and regulations developed by the European Union to address various issues, including energy security, ...

EU Policymaking and Implementation, 2022-2023 - Prospectus

How do you experience EU policy? Does it help? And if not, how can we change this? In this course, we learn how EU policy is made, and how policy is ...

Boost Local Institutions and Governance for Effective EU Policy

A report from the European Court of Auditors showed that local administration was making more errors than previously thought when implementing ...

EU policy and implementation: making Europe work! - My Mooc

People have become more critical of EU policy and often seem to prefer local policy solutions in response to globalisation problems. How do ...

What drives national implementation of EU policy recommendations?

We find that implementation rates are modest and have worsened at a time when the economic environment has improved and market pressure on sovereigns has ...

An Overview of EU Policy-Making | The Politics of the European Union

In doing so, it sketches the broader picture within which the subsequent chapters on agenda-setting, decision-making and implementation of EU policies can be ...

PRI's 2030 EU Policy Roadmap - UN PRI

The PRI's 2030 EU Policy Roadmap sets out recommendations for European policy makers to encourage investment and support the economic ...

“Learning as a Strategy” for Better EU Policy Understanding and ...

The European Commission established the Better Regulation agenda of the European Union (EU) in 2015, but problems in EU implementation ...