
Eastern Box Turtle

Eastern box turtle - Wikipedia

The eastern box turtle is a subspecies of the common box turtle (Terrapene carolina). While in the pond turtle family, Emydidae, and not a tortoise, the box ...

Eastern box turtle | Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation ...

The eastern box turtle, a subspecies of the common box turtle, has a dark brown, hinged shell with yellow-orange markings. When threatened, it can pull its ...

Eastern Box Turtle | National Wildlife Federation

Eastern box turtles are usually found near ponds, fields, meadows, and woodlands throughout the eastern half of the United States.

Eastern Box Turtle | NC Wildlife

This small, charismatic terrestrial turtle is seen frequently in fields, forests and neighborhoods throughout North Carolina.

Species Spotlight - Woodland Box Turtle (U.S. National Park Service)

A fossilized Triassic era turtle is just as recognizable as any today. The diminutive woodland box turtles (about 6 inches long and weighing ...

Terrapene carolina carolina (Eastern box turtle)

The Eastern Box Turtle is a small land turtle with a high-domed carapace (top part of shell) and a hinged plastron (bottom part of shell)

AMAZING Eastern Box Turtles! - YouTube

The eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) is without a doubt, America's turtle. Many of us got our start with this familiar ...

DNR: Fish & Wildlife: Eastern Box Turtle -

Habitat loss, road mortality and collection by humans are some of the leading factors in box turtle declines. Box turtles are protected in Indiana and may not ...

Eastern Box Turtle - Amphibians and Reptiles of North Carolina

Eastern box turtles are small to medium sized turtles, attaining a maximum length of 8 inches (20 cm) and possessing a highly domed carapace (top of shell).

Eastern Box Turtle - Chesapeake Bay Program

The eastern box turtle is a terrestrial reptile found primarily in woodlands across the Chesapeake watershed.

Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina) -

Although Eastern. Box Turtles occur in many towns in Massachusetts, they are more heavily concentrated in the southeastern section of the state. Eastern Box ...

Eastern Box Turtle | The Maryland Zoo

The Eastern box turtle, T. carolina carolina, inhabits the eastern and central United States from southern Maine to Florida and west into Michigan, Illinois, ...

Eastern Box Turtle -

The eastern box turtle is probably the most familiar of the 8 species of turtles found in Connecticut's landscape. It is known for its high-domed carapace (top ...

Eastern Box Turtles - Wild Care | Cape Cod

WILD CARE alleviates pressures experienced by wildlife by aiding in habitat restoration and enrichment, documenting rare species for habitat protection.

eastern box turtle - Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

This is a medium-sized terrestrial turtle that reaches a maximum length of about 8 inches. The shell is highly domed, elongate, and smooth on the rear edge.

8 Amazing Facts About The Eastern Box Turtle

Box turtles must hibernate during cold winter weather. They burrow deep under the soil and leaves, sometime in October, and usually emerge in April or early ...

Eastern Box Turtle Care for Educators... and Maybe Non-educators...?

Herping Virginia encourages all naturalists to practice ethical, safe, and sustainable herping. The use of proper herping methods and techniques is beneficial.

Eastern Box Turtle | NC Wildlife

Eastern box turtles are found across the eastern and midwestern parts of the United. States. Along the East Coast, they range.

Eastern Box Turtle - Terrapene carolina - iNaturalist

The eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), also known as the land turtle, is a subspecies within a group of hinge-shelled turtles, ...

Eastern Box Turtle | State of New Hampshire Fish and Game

A small 4.5-7 inch turtle with a highly domed shell and variable patterning. Color patterns of the carapace typically consist of irregular yellow or orange ...