
Economic Cost of Injury — United States

Economic Cost of Injury — United States, 2019 | MMWR - CDC

In 2019, the economic cost of injury was $4.2 trillion, including $327 billion in medical care, $69 billion in work loss, and $3.8 trillion in ...

Economics of Injury and Violence Prevention - CDC

The 2019 cost of injury in the United States was $4.2 trillion, according to a report in CDC's MMWR. The costs include spending on healthcare, lost work ...

Economic Cost of Injury - United States, 2019 - PubMed

In 2019, the economic cost of injury was $4.2 trillion, including $327 billion in medical care, $69 billion in work loss, and $3.8 trillion in ...

Societal Costs of Unintentional Injuries - Data Details

This, combined with economic losses, resulted in estimated comprehensive costs of $7,442.3 billion for 2022. In the data below: Motor-vehicle crash costs ...

State-Level Economic Costs of Fatal Injuries - United States, 2019

* There were 246,041 injury deaths in 2019 (unintentional injury was the most frequent cause of death after heart disease and cancer) with an ...

Work Injury Costs

These cost estimates are a measure of the economic impact of preventable injuries and may be compared to other economic measures, such as gross domestic ...

Economic Cost of US Older Adult Assault Injuries - JAMA Network

The nationwide annual mean (SD) estimated economic cost of older adult nonfatal assaults and homicides was $25.9 billion ($4.9 billion) from ...

Injuries and Violence in the US - Suicide Prevention Resource Center

economic burden. Nearly $130 billion of the fatal injury costs were attributable to unintentional injuries, followed by suicide ($50.8 billion) and homicide ...

Incidence and lifetime costs of injuries in the United States

Injury burden in the United States exceeded $400 billion in medical care costs and productivity losses in 2000. 18% of Americans were medically treated for ...

Economic Cost of U.S. Suicide and Nonfatal Self-harm

The average annual economic cost of medical spending, lost work, lower quality of life, and avoidable deaths from U.S. suicide and nonfatal self ...

Business Case for Safety and Health - Overview |

... injuries cost the nation, employers, and individuals $171 billion ... Paul Leigh, Economic Burden of Occupational Injury and Illness in the United States.

Economic Burden of US Youth Violence Injuries - JAMA Network

The annual economic burden of youth violence injuries was $105 billion to $115 billion during 2015-2019 and reached $122 billion in 2020 (Figure) ...

(PDF) Economic Cost of Injury - United States, 2019 - ResearchGate

§ In 2019, the economic cost of injury was $4.2 trillion, including $327 billion in medical care, $69 billion in work loss, and $3.8 trillion in ...

Medical and work loss costs of violence, self-harm, unintentional ...

1 Medical expenditures for injury and poisoning exceed US$133 billion and the estimated economic cost including lost healthy life years is US ...

Cost of Injury: Tools for Partners - Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Incidence and economic burden of injuries in the United States. New. York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2006. Cost of Injury: Tools for Partners. Page 2 ...

Economic Cost of U.S. Suicide and Nonfatal Self-harm - ScienceDirect

The economic cost of suicide and ED-treated nonfatal self-harm injuries averaged $510 billion annually during 2015–2020 (range: $488B to $532B) (Table 1). The ...

Preface | The Incidence and Economic Burden of Injuries in the ...

The estimates provided in this book describe the overall burden of injury in the United States. We define burden to include incidence, medical costs, ...

Business Case for Safety and Health - Costs |

The costs of workplace injuries and illnesses include direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include workers' compensation payments, medical expenses, and ...

Costs of Fatal and Nonfatal Firearm Injuries in the U.S., 2019 and 2020

The total cost of firearm related injuries and deaths in the US for 2020 was $493.2 billion, a 16 percent increase compared with 2019.

The Economic Cost of Gun Violence | Everytown Research & Policy

Each nonfatal gun injury costs US taxpayers an average of $25,150. Medical costs: Taxpayers, survivors, families, and employers share billions ...