
Economic Effects of Climate Change and Food Insecurity in Niger

Economic Effects of Climate Change and Food Insecurity in Niger

This paper aims to quantify the combined effects of climate shocks and food insecurity on key economic variables and identify the most effective mitigation ...

Economic Effects of Climate Change and Food Insecurity in Niger

Economic Effects of. Climate Change and Food Insecurity in Niger. IMF Selected Issues Paper SIP/2023/009. JEL Classification Numbers: D50; Q18; Q54. Keywords:.

Niger - Vulnerability | Climate Change Knowledge Portal - World Bank

In Niger, climate vulnerability is compounded by the Sahel region's high dependence on rain-fed agriculture and its natural resources to support food security ...

Climate + Niger – We have moved! - Purdue Agriculture

Agricultural conditions are already suboptimal in parts of the country, and rising temperatures, changes in rainfall and extreme weather events are negatively ...

Economic Effects of Climate Change and Food Insecurity in Niger

Niger's exposure to recurrent shocks, including climate shocks, increases its vulnerability to food insecurity. This paper aims to quantify the combined effects ...

Building climate change resilience in Niger to keep hunger away

In the Bermo region, in the south of Niger, climate change has a serious impact on the pastoralist community. Recurring droughts led to soil erosion and ...

The World Bank Supports Food Security and Climate Resilience for ...

Desertification and higher frequency of droughts and floods have devastating impacts on crops and livestock. More than 3.4 million Nigeriens are facing acute ...

Economic hardship, the climate crisis and violence in the northeast ...

Other major factors driving food insecurity in the country include the effects of climate change, particularly floods, which directly impact ...

Climate shocks and nutrition: The role of food security policies and ...

Niger is afflicted with high rates of poverty, high fertility rates, frequent environmental crises, and climate change. Recurrent droughts and floods have led ...

Climate change and food security in the Sahel - Brookings Institution

The channels through which climate change affects food security are numerous. First and foremost, climate change accelerates land degradation, ...

Resilience to Shocks Through Food Security - Alliance Sahel

Climate change is expected to have significant economic repercussions for the Sahelian countries: loss of GDP, lower agricultural yields ...

The Central Sahel: How conflict and climate change drive crisis

The ongoing conflicts intensify the challenges of poverty and food insecurity. Violence uproots people from their homes and prevents them from ...

Economic Effects of Climate Change and Food Insecurity in Niger

Niger's exposure to recurrent shocks, including climate shocks, increases its vulnerability to food insecurity. This paper aims to quantify the combined ...

The microeconomics of adaptation: Evidence from smallholders in ...

As climate change has become more pronounced, the risk to land-based food security faced by many of the world's poor, such as rural communities in Ethiopia and ...

The ripple effects of climate change on agricultural sustainability and ...

Climate change is expected to significantly impact food security in coming decades, particularly in underdeveloped and developing nations. This ...

Drivers of Food Insecurity - Migration Data Portal

Apart from societal and economic structures exacerbating economic inequality and poverty, the effects of conflict and climate change can compromise economic ...

Climate change / Niger | Interactive Country Fiches

By 2100, experts are predicting a three to six degrees Celsius rise in temperature which will worsen food security, water scarcity, and further aggravate ...

Nigeria, Climate Change, and the Future of Food

Climate-induced shortages of water and farmland heighten the risk of violence; insecurity contributes to such shortages by making areas harder to farm.

Climate Change and Food Security in Nigeria

In Nigeria, food security is influenced by internal and external crises, economic factors, and climate change. The country experiences visible effects of ...

Climate change and food security: risks and responses

This triggers macro-economic effects for countries for which agriculture is an important part of GDP and/ or constitutes an important source of employment.