
Effectiveness of blended learning on students' learning performance

The effectiveness of blended learning on students' academic ...

The study confirmed that blended learning positively impacts students' academic achievement in the experimental class compared with the control class (Sig (2- ...

A meta-analysis of effects of blended learning on performance ...

In addition to improving performance and achievement, blended learning has been found to positively impact student attitudes toward learning. The ...

Effectiveness of blended learning on students' learning performance

This meta-analysis aimed to examine BL's effects and factors influencing them based on 133 studies (181 effect sizes).

Blended learning effectiveness: the relationship between student ...

The findings from that study indicated that learner attitudes towards blended learning were significant factors to learner satisfaction and ...

A meta-analysis of effects of blended learning on performance ...

In addition to improving performance and achievement, blended learning has been found to positively impact student attitudes toward learning.

(PDF) The effectiveness of blended learning on students' academic ...

The study confirmed that blended learning positively impacts students' academic achievement in the experimental class compared with the control class.

Evaluating blended learning effectiveness: an empirical study from ...

(2) There was a positive relationship between the effectiveness of blended learning and student learning outcomes. Additional findings, ...

The Effectiveness Of Blended Learning Environments - ERIC

The study was applied to 110 students who attend to Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey and take. Introduction to Computers Course. During the application, ...

(PDF) The Impact of Blended Learning on Student Performance

The findings indicate that blended learning is widely esteemed and there is a general agreement on its effectiveness in enhancing engagement, ...

Effectiveness of online and blended learning from schools: A ...

Overall, digital technology was more effective (better) than regular instruction in 85% of studies, 8% the same and 3% worse. Blended learning was considerably ...

Learning effectiveness of a flexible learning study programme in a ...

Asarta and Schmidt (2015) concluded that—in line with the student preferences—the classroom attendance rate in blended learning courses could be ...

Blended Learning Defined and The Benefits of Using it - Learning A-Z

When students learn in a blended learning setting, they do more than master the subject they're learning; they also master the use of technology. In-person ...

Influence of blended instruction on students' learning effectiveness

Blended instruction has been regarded by many scholars as the “new normal” in the field of modern education due to its unprecedented potential ...

Effect of Blended Learning on Student Performance in K-12 Settings ...

The results indicate that blended learning is an effective way to improve K-12 students' performance compared to traditional face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Effectiveness of blended learning on improving medical student's ...

This study examined the effectiveness of the blended learning on students' learning initiative and performance in the physiology study.

Effective Student Engagement with Blended Learning A systematic ...

Blended learning has a moderate to high impact on all different dimensions of student engagement: academic, behavioral, cognitive, and affective engagement.

The Effects of Blended Learning Environment on College Students ...

The research results show that performance expectation, effort expectation, hedonic motivation and self-efficacy have direct or indirect ...

The Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Health Professions

Possible explanations could be as follows: (1) compared with traditional learning, blended learning allows students to review electronic ...

What Is Blended Learning? - Augusta University

Blended learning offers diverse features and benefits, including catering to the specific needs of students and educators. By merging in-person teaching with ...

Effectiveness of blended learning on student engagement

Abstract. Despite the increase in 1:1 computing initiatives in K-12 schools and increased technology use in higher education for blended ...