
Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task

What are the effects of tutorial interactions? A number of the studies investigating the cognitive and non-cognitive effects of the tutorial dialogue have ...

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task

This study investigated how different forms of tutor action influenced novice students' performance on the Wason selection task, and how the students ...

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task

Foot, H.C., Shute, R.H., Morgan, M.J., & Barron, A.M. (1990). Theorical issues in peer tutoring. In H.C. Foot, R.H. Shute, & M.J. Morgan (Eds.), ...

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task: An experimental approach to the tutorial dialogue. Isabelle Olry-Louis. University ...

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning ...

Isabelle Olry-Louis. Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task: an experimental approach to the tutorial dialogue.

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning ...

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task: An experimental approach to the tutorial dialogue.

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning ...

Información del artículo Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task: An experimental approach to the tutorial dialogue.

Development of conditional reasoning and Wason's selection task

Effects of different forms of tutor action in a conditional reasoning task: An experimental approach to the tutorial dialogue. Article. Full ...

The use of a cognitive tutoring system in the improvement of the ...

Results indicated that WPS-Tutored students improved significantly more than either the control group or the placebo group on both the abstract and concrete ...

Effects of tutor-related behaviours on the process of problem-based ...

By using Analysis of Covariance, social congruence of the tutor was found to have a significant influence on learning in each PBL phase while all of the tutor- ...

Assessing the Differential Effects of Peer Tutoring for Tutors and ...

Abstract: There is strong evidence that peer tutoring, as a form of cooperative learning, has a positive impact on tutor and tutee outcomes.

The Affective Impact of Tutor Questions: Predicting Frustration and ...

However, this paper examines a different aspect of these tutorial dialogue moves that is critical in learning: students' affective response as expressed on the ...

(PDF) Effects of Task Reasoning Demand and Task Condition on ...

The results point to differential effects of using tasks of high and low reasoning demand in dyadic and individual task conditions. The results have pedagogical ...

The Affective Impact of Tutor Questions: Predicting Frustration and ...

However, this paper examines a different aspect of these tutorial dialogue moves that is critical in learning: students' affective response as expressed on the ...

THE TUTOR LEARNING EFFECT - Arizona State University

At the most fundamental level, it is the instructional task and the asymmetrical tutor and tutee roles that distinguish peer tutoring from other forms of peer ...

The effects of teacher discourse on students ... -

The results show that the teachers in the cooperative + communication condition used significantly more challenging and scaffolding behaviours than teachers in ...

Effects of Differential Consequences on Choice Making in Students ...

Choice of instructional activities increased on-task behavior during student-choice conditions compared to the teacher-choice conditions, but only when ...

Using Observation and Action Instruction to Facilitate Conditional ...

Results again confirmed that the basic instructional method is a viable way to positively affect early adolescents' reasoning performance. The differences ...

Promoting future teachers' evidence-informed reasoning scripts

The results revealed that the example-based instruction on functional procedures led to a higher learning success than the example-free instruction. Both forms ...

Using Folktales to Teach Logical Reasoning - Edutopia

A teacher helping elementary students with a reading and writing assignment in class ... conditional syllogisms, which is paramount to logical reasoning.