
Electoral Systems and Corruption

Effectiveness of Electoral Systems for Reducing Government ...

We find that approval voting and proportional representation are fully effective, in the sense that all equilibria exclude corrupt parties from legislative ...

Electoral Rules and Corruption

empirically investigated how electoral systems infuence corruption. We try ... from corrupt politicians to electoral rules conducive to less corruption if voters.

Electoral Systems and Corruption - SciELO Bolivia

We find that majoritarian systems tend to be associated to higher levels of corruption than proportional representations.


Abstract. This paper investigates how different electoral rules influence political corruption. We argue that closed-list.

Electoral Systems and Corruption

(2003, 961-2) contends that plurality systems should lead to lower corruption than proportional representation (PR) systems, because the former creates a direct ...

The relationship between electoral integrity and corruption

Accountability deficit: Why do citizens vote for corrupt politicians? Contribution of anti-corruption measures to democracy promotion · Promoting electoral ...

The relationship between electoral integrity and corruption

They concluded that political finance subsidies reduce corruption “by reducing private money's importance in politics and increasing sanctions ...

Electoral Systems, Competition, and Incentives for Corruption

Again, institutions that lower competition and district size increase incentives for challengers to expose corrupt politicians, lowering political corruption.

Electoral Rules and Corruption | Journal of the European Economic ...

Does Mother Nature Corrupt? Natural Resources, Corruption, and Economic Growth. ” International Monetary Fund Working Paper, 99/85, July.

Electoral Systems, District Magnitude and Corruption - jstor

In Italy's open-list environment in the period prior districts were more susceptible to corruption than smaller ones. Why some nations experience more political ...

Anti-Corruption & Democratic Trust | IFES

Corruption undermines the efficiency and efficacy of government and erodes public trust in democratic institutions, including legislatures, executive agencies, ...


Consistent with the theoretical hypothesis on the ballot structure, corruption is higher the larger is the fraction of candidates elected on party lists. The ...

Electoral Systems and Corruption - Semantic Scholar

Abstract. Recently, many scholars have tried to explain how electoral systems are linked to corruption. Several theories emerged but still no consensus has.

Party systems, electoral systems and constraints on corruption

This article explores the relationship between the party system, electoral formulas and corruption. Previous research has focused on the various incentives ...

The Effect of the Proportionality Degree of Electoral Systems on ...

of the Proportionality Degree of Electoral Systems on Corruption, EERI Research Paper Series, No. 03/2015, Economics and Econometrics Research Institute ...

Center for Anti-Corruption and Democratic Trust | IFES

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) Center for Anti-Corruption and Democratic Trust focuses on improving the ability of democracies to ...

Electoral systems and corruption - IDEAS/RePEc

In aggregate, we find that majoritarian systems tend to be associated to higher levels of corruption than proportional representations. An additional finding is ...

Electoral Systems, District Magnitude and Corruption - ResearchGate

Specifically, we examine whether they retract their support from political candidates who they think are corrupt by looking at changes in an index of corruption ...

View of The Effects of Electoral Systems on Corruption: Why Plurality ...

... corruption by investigating the linkages between a country's corruption level and its electoral system. Specifically, countries with Plurality Rule and ...

The Causal Impact of the Electoral System on Corruption - CESifo

We estimate the causal effect of the electoral system on corruption by leveraging a specificity of the French electoral law where the electoral system for ...