
Embarrassed of my life.

How do I stop feeling so shameful about my life? - Reddit

I feel embarrassed that I haven't had anything significant in my life happen yet. I feel ashamed of my hobbies (gaming and reading). The places I travel to are ...

'I Am So Extremely Embarrassed by My Entire Life!' - Ask Polly

Am I doomed to feel embarrassed of myself forever, or do writers overcome self-doubt? Do writers enjoy being vulnerable, or is shame part of the ...

Why do I feel so embarrassed of my existence? I have very ... - Quora

I wouldn't say that everyone feels this way, but some do, including myself. I also isolate quite a bit, and would say that that I too feel ...

How do I feel less disappointed and ashamed about my life?

I'm a 36F who has had episodes of depression for much of my adult life, feeling more depressed at certain times than others. With the pandemic, ...

Do You Feel Constantly Ashamed Of Yourself? - Sean Cooper

It's my belief that at the core of many people's social anxiety (not everyone's) is an emotion called toxic shame. Here's what I talk about in this video: The ...

This One Is For Anyone Feeling Behind In Life / Ashamed Of Where ...

While we're dealing with the cards life deals us & walking on our authentic path, others might outperform us in certain ways.

Hola Papi: 'I'm Ashamed of Who I Used to Be' - The Cut

'I'm haunted by past versions of myself. The last few years of my life have been littered with poor decisions and embarrassing moments.

How to Release Shame and Stop Feeling Fundamentally Flawed

Shame makes us feel alone, exposed, and deeply flawed. We cannot become resistant to shame, but we can develop resilience to it. Here's how.

I am so ashamed of my life. - Mental Health Forum

I am 24 years old and deeply ashamed about my life. I am single, only have 1 friend (The others ignored me and treated me badly so those friendships ended), ...

I'm ashamed of the way I am - MHA Screening

Shame is an intense emotion that can be deeply rooted in our sense of self-worth. Like the evil twin of rose-colored glasses, shame colors your world in shades ...

Embarrassment - Psychology Today

Embarrassment is a painful but important emotional state. Most researchers believe that the purpose of embarrassment is to make people feel badly about their ...

"Why Do I Constantly Feel Ashamed of Myself?" | AKA 172 - YouTube

This week licensed therapist Kati Morton talks about shame, and how to pull ourselves out of the spiral. She addressed how it can present ...

Toxic Shame: Causes, Symptoms, and More - WebMD

Toxic shame is a feeling that you're worthless. It happens when other people treat you poorly and you turn that treatment into a belief about yourself.

The Surprising Reason You Feel So Ashamed of Yourself

You probably already know that shame is an emotion that makes you feel horrible. What you may not be aware of, however, ...

How to Get Over Embarrassment - Psych Central

Embarrassment is a natural part of life. There are things you can do, however, to make an embarrassing situation feel a bit more manageable.

Toxic Shame: What It Is and How to Cope - Healthline

Toxic shame opens the door to anger, self-disgust, and other less-than-desirable feelings. It can make you feel small and worthless.

Shame: Definition, Types, Effects, and Ways to Cope - Verywell Mind

Shame is a feeling of embarrassment or humiliation that arises from the perception of having done something dishonorable, immoral, or improper.

Am I Too Embarrassed to Save My Life? - The New York Times

As a feminist lesbian, I was supposed to be independent and strong. But my disease meant I was all need.

Being embarrassed with your current financial life can ruin the rest of ...

When I think back to the most embarrassing times in my life, nothing quite gives me the chills more than the time I decided to rap at a high school football ...

Embarrassed of my life. - depression career friends - Ask MetaFilter

Why did I do this to myself? It's becoming overwhelming embarrassing to tell people that I work part-time, that I love drawing and art, still ...