
En Dashes and Em Dashes in US and UK English

En Dashes and Em Dashes in US and UK English - Proofed

The main difference is that US English uses em dashes—usually without spaces—in place of parentheses, while UK English prefers the shorter en ...

How to use the em dash, en dash and hyphen - Accuracy Matters

The em dash is used in US English, with no spaces either side, in the same way an en dash is employed in UK English.

How to use dashes in fiction: UK and US style - Louise Harnby

Many British publishers use an en rule with space either side as a parenthetical dash, but Oxford and most US publishers use an em rule.' It ...

Em Dash (—) vs. En Dash (–) | How to Use in Sentences - Scribbr

The en dash is sometimes also used in the same way as an em dash, especially in UK English; in this case, it takes a space on either side. Make ...

The Hyphen and the Dash - University of Sussex

In British usage, we use only a single hyphen to represent a dash - like this. American usage, in contrast, uses two consecutive hyphens -- like this (A). Here ...

What is the rule for em dash and en dash in both UK and US English?

Em dashes should never be spaced; en dashes are spaced in some contexts. If you're using en dashes to express an aside – like this – they should ...

What's the difference between an en dash and em dash

In the UK, we tend to have ditched the em dash unless it's for punctuating speech. Instead, we use the en dash with a space either side. It's ...

How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-)

The em dash (—) can function like a comma, a colon, or parenthesis. Like commas and parentheses, em dashes set off extra information, such as examples ...

In Britain, which is more common — the em dash or the en dash?

Having said that, it's generally been the case that more British style guides will say to not use an em dash but, where US style would use an em ...

Right usage of hyphen, en dash, and em dash - Ultimate Proofreader

The hyphen is easy to type as there is a hyphen key (which also serves the minus key) on all keyboards. However, care needs to be taken not to ...

Em Dash vs. En Dash: Get Them Right - ProWritingAid

If you're writing for a British audience, the rules are a little different. The convention in UK English is to use an en dash with a space ...

How to use hyphen, em dash, and en dash in British English - Quora

For instance, American usage gives 'infrared' for that end of the light spectrum, whereas if you hyphenate and make it 'infra-red', the reader ...

How to Use En Dashes and Em Dashes - Wordvice Blog

Interestingly, en dashes can sometimes be used in place of em dashes. Do note, however, that this replacement is far more common in British English than in ...

Chicago Manual of Style: Hyphens, En Dashes, Em Dashes - FAQ Item

1; note that it is also the common British practice to use an en dash with a word space on either side where American publishers would use an em dash closed up ...

En Dash (–) | When to Use and Examples - QuillBot

Note British English and American English differ in their use of dashes. In British English, en dashes are often used in the same way as em ...

Hyphen Vs En Dash vs Em Dash - What's the Difference? - EditorNinja

In British English, the en dash can be used like an em dash. In fact, the en dash is preferred to the em dash by the Oxford Style Guide.

Hyphens and En Dashes and Em Dashes, Oh My! - Inside Higher Ed

Em dashes may or may not have spaces on either side based on the publication and style of writing (American English typically does not put ...

Hyphens, En Dashes and Em Dashes | Get It Write Online

For an en dash, press the option and minus keys. British (and Canadian) Usage vs. American. British/Canadian style guides seem wildly ...

Em Dash, En Dash and Hyphen: The Guide I Needed (and maybe ...

The UK English generally doesn't make use of the Em dash and uses En dash instead. The British also use spaces around the En dash. It's the most ...

What's the difference between a hyphen, en dash and em dash?

An em dash, on the other hand, is used to mark breaks in sentences in US English, and the en dash is used to achieve the same affect in UK