
Encroaching Trees

Conflicts Involving Trees and Neighbors FAQ - FindLaw

Tree branches and roots can sometimes constitute an encroachment. They may cause a severe enough disturbance based on where they are overhanging. For example, a ...

Neighbor's tree encroaching into our yard, who pays for tree trimming?

Question is: who pays for the arborist to come out and do the trimming? Is it his responsibility since it is his tree? Or is it mine since it is over my ...

What to Do If Your Neighbor's Tree Is Encroaching on Your Yard

If your neighbor's tree is encroaching on your property, attempt to resolve the problem with a friendly conversation. If that fails, you may ...

Is Your Neighbor's Tree Encroaching on Your Property? What you ...

If a neighbor's tree branches or roots are encroaching on your property, the best first step is talking respectfully to your neighbor to see if ...

Who is Responsible for Overhanging Tree Limbs and Branches?

The limbs are the personal property of the landowner who owns the trees so if the limbs are encroaching on the neighbor's land, the neighbor has the legal right ...

Encroaching Trees: Who Has The Right To Do What? - Stimmel Law

A tree that is on two lots, a “boundary tree” is considered jointly owned and should not be removed without mutual consent or court order. And in most ...

How to Spot and Prevent Encroaching Vegetation Around Your Home

Install root barriers before planting trees. · Cut the roots out. · Cut down the entire tree. · Regularly trim branches. · Be aware of encroachment ...

Tree Disputes With Neighbors FAQ - Nolo

If the tree encroaches onto the neighbor's property, the neighbor may sue to make the owner cut the branches, even if no damage has been done. If the invading ...

Dangers of Encroaching Tree Roots & How to Take Action

In this article, we will explore the signs of root damage on properties and go over some tips on how to prevent the issue from getting worse.

How to handle a situation where your neighbor's tree branches are ...

If they are encroaching you can mention it but they don't need to cut them, at least where I come from. If they overhang into your space ...

Tree encroachment | firsttuesday Journal

A tree not causing physical damage, but only encroaching on a neighbor's property by its overhanging branches or invading roots, is a continuous ...

Understanding Your Tree Responsibilities - STL Tree Pros

If a tree branch falls in your neighborhood, whose responsibility is it? Well, if you're reading this then it's fair to say you care about trees ...

My Neighbours Tree is Encroaching on my Land - Solicitors.Guru

As a landowner you have a right to compensation if a neighbour's tree is causing harm or disturbing your enjoyment of your property.

Rights and Responsibilities Pertaining to Encroaching Trees and ...

Generally, a property owner has the right to self-help with respect to a tree that has encroached over the boundary line onto his or her ...

Encroaching trees, leaves and branches – What can you do?

As a last resort, you may approach a court for a mandatory interdict which will compel the offending owner to remove the branches, and also seek ...


If an owner plants trees near the border of his neighbour's property the owner must ensure that the border is not affected by overhanging branches, fallen ...

How Do I Handle My Neighbor's Encroaching Tree Branches?

A landowner may trim a neighbor's trees branches from his own side of the fence line. He may also dig up roots from his neighbors trees if they cross onto his ...

Can You Cut Encroaching Roots and Branches from Neighbor's ...

Disputes often arise between neighbors when trees belonging to one property owner fall on and damage or destroy adjacent property.

302.10 Encroaching Trees - UpCodes

Upon failure of the tree owner to abate the encroachment after service of a notice of violation, CLIP shall be authorized, itself or by contract, to prune or ...

Can I Trim Branches of Neighbors Tree Encroaching on My Property?

If the tree owner does nothing, the tree can still be trimmed. As a general rule, a property owner who trims an encroaching tree belonging to a neighbor can ...