
Entrenched Belief in Nuclear Deterrence as Defence Keeps Fear of ...

Entrenched Belief in Nuclear Deterrence as Defence Keeps Fear of ...

The First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) heard today as it began its thematic debate on nuclear weapons.

General Assembly - Meetings Coverage and Press Releases

Today's world is one of “nuclear giants and ethical infants” that know more about war than peace and killing than living, the First Committee (Disarmament and ...

Full article: The Political Reckoning in a Post-Nuclear Use Landscape

“Entrenched Belief in Nuclear Deterrence As Defence Keeps Fear of Annihilation Alive, First Committee Hears in Thematic Debate | UN Press.” October 13 ...

the ideological nature of nuclear deterrence: some causes and - jstor

deterrence in the areas of: our inability to control the arms race, the lack of defensive capabilities, the primacy of the iron triangle, and the seeds of self- ...

On the Legality of Nuclear Deterrence

They recall that they have always, in concert with certain other States, reserved the right to use those weapons in the exercise of the right to self-defense ...

Yes, nuclear weapons are immoral. They're also, practically ...

Finally, many people argue that nuclear weapons are important because of nuclear deterrence. But even a 12-year-old can effectively show that ...

The Logic of Nuclear Deterrence - UNIDIR

Other nuclear weapons advocates have less confidence in this assumption but believe missile defence systems can potentially deal with the consequences of ...

Nuclear Deterrence Destabilized - Chatham House

By this logic, nuclear weapons promote stability and can prevent war. In the words of realist scholar Kenneth Waltz, 'Those who like peace should love nuclear ...

“Nuclear spring is coming”: examining French nuclear deterrence in ...

Our analysis will examine the nuclear deterrence strategy of a state considered the most pro-nuclear deterrence among all Western allies and, ...

Perceptions, Assumptions, and Options in Deterrence Strategy and ...

Table 1: Possible costs and benefits of restraint of not using a nuclear weapon in response to an EMP attack on South Korea and Japan. believed ...

US Nuclear Deterrence Policy and Its Problems

Deterrence aims to influence the intentions of potential opponents, namely their cost-benefit calculation; defence aims to limit one's own costs and risks in ...

The Psychology of Nuclear Brinkmanship - MIT Press Direct

In conflict or crisis, a coercer may or may not do what they threaten, and a target may not know whether to believe the threat. Either the ...

Deterrence in the twenty-first century: proceedings

It is to keep nuclear weapons as a tool of war fighting rather than a ... confidence during that period that nuclear deterrence alone could provide a ...

Full article: Forum: Towards a European Nuclear Deterrent

For decades, the primordial fear of European NATO allies has been that America would retreat from Europe and leave them threatened by a powerful ...

CGSR Study Group Report - Center for Global Security Research

On nuclear deterrence strategy: The emergence of a second nuclear peer is certain to drive renewed debate about the continued necessity, values, and risks of ...

Understanding Deterrence - RAND

A capability to deny amounts to a capability to defend; “deterrence and defense are ... with one specific domain—nuclear deterrence. The strategy of deterring.

Maintaining Flexible and Resilient Capabilities for Nuclear Deterrence

Keith B. Payne, PhD, is president of the National Institute for Public Policy and professor and head of the Graduate Department of Defense and Strategic Studies ...

Nuclear Mutual Assured Destruction, Its Origins and Practice - DTIC

Also, after Sputnik, fears of Soviet strategic nuclear weapons fed anxiety on ... believed that nuclear weapons had limited military utility in either ...

NATO's nuclear deterrence policy and forces

Credible deterrence and defence, based on an appropriate mix of nuclear, conventional and missile defence capabilities complemented by space and ...

Myth 6: 'Russia's nuclear threats are real and should be taken literally'

This view holds that Russia's nuclear arms are a political, defensive deterrent, and thus unlikely to be employed. It further suggests that ...