
Equitable climate resilience

Equity - U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

Communities can promote equity and climate justice by shifting power to the community members who are impacted by the problems and solutions at hand.

Five Actions to Help Build Equitable Climate Resilience | PRB

We believe that people-centered, equitable, and locally led PHE investments can help communities adapt to the worsening impacts of climate change.

Centering Equity in Climate Resilience Planning and Action

Why Equity in Climate Resilience. Planning and Action? Communities in the United States and abroad are already feeling the impacts of climate change. In 2021, ...

White Paper: Equitable Climate Resilience for U.S. Local Governments

This paper presents findings from our study on equitable climate resilience (ECR) planning. Use findings in this report to further ECR planning in your own ...

Equitable Resilience | LCAU

It aims to use the momentum around global resilience thinking to address urban inequities as a result of climate change preparations and impacts. Resilience, a ...

Tools for Equitable Climate Resilience - River Network

The Community-Led Research Toolkit provides step-by-step guidance and lessons learned on how to effectively engage with community members to understand climate ...

Equitable Climate Resilience - Urban Waters Learning Network

The Water Equity and Climate Resilience Collaborative is a hub of the Urban Waters Learning Network (UWLN) that aims to support Urban Waters Federal ...

How Cities Can Advance Equitable Climate Resilience Policies

A 10-step process that supports municipal teams and their cross-sector partners in identifying and implementing strategic, evidence-based policy solutions to ...

Equitable Adaptation Legal & Policy Toolkit » Introduction

As a first key step, implementing equitable climate adaptation approaches involves strengthening community resilience while ensuring that equity is integrated ...

Equitable Resilience Builder | US EPA

Equitable resilience describes the capacity to withstand, respond, adapt, and transform in the face of climate change and disasters in ways that are culturally ...

Climate Resilience and Mitigation - The Greenlining Institute

Equitable climate action can uplift frontline communities so they do not simply “bounce back” after climate disasters strike, but are able to “bounce forward” ...

How Cities Can Advance Equitable Climate Resilience Policies

A 10-step process that supports municipal teams and their cross-sector partners in identifying and implementing strategic, evidence-based policy solutions to ...

Equitable climate solutions for the water sector

Imbuing the climate action work of water utilities with an ethos of water equity can accelerate progress toward a resilient future for all.

NOAA Equitable Climate Services Action Plan

NOAA Equitable Climate Services Action Plan. This Action ... resilience to climate-related disasters to avoid significant future damages.

Adaptation & Resilience - The Vision for Equitable Climate Action

VISION FOR EQUITABLE CLIMATE ACTION. The Vision for Equitable Climate Action (VECA) is a roadmap to prevent the worst of global warming. Acting equitably and ...

Climate Equity | ResilientCA - Adaptation Clearinghouse

This guide outlines climate vulnerability assessment tools to evaluate climate risk and adaptive capacity, and specific indicators to include in vulnerability ...

Equitable Resilience Framework | LCAU

An equitable approach to climate resilience strives for fairness in multiple facets and stages. It ensures that people are treated according to their needs ...

Equitable climate resilience (ECR) for local governments

An assessment tool to assist local governments with evaluating, measuring, and tracking their equitable climate resilience (ECR) efforts.

Water Equity and Climate Resilience Caucus

ABOUT THE CAUCUS. A national network of organizations working to address water equity and climate resilience — centering frontline communities of color and low- ...

Equitable Climate Services Action Plan

More than ever, communities across the country are facing the impacts of climate change, climate variability and extreme events including ...