
Euler Tours in Hypergraphs

[1808.07720] Euler tours in hypergraphs - arXiv

We show that a quasirandom k-uniform hypergraph G has a tight Euler tour subject to the necessary condition that k divides all vertex degrees.

Euler Tours in Hypergraphs | Combinatorica

We show that a quasirandom k-uniform hypergraph G has a tight Euler tour subject to the necessary condition that k divides all vertex ...

Euler tours in hypergraphs - NASA/ADS

We show that a quasirandom $k$-uniform hypergraph $G$ has a tight Euler tour subject to the necessary condition that $k$ divides all vertex degrees.

Euler tours in hypergraphs

We show that a quasirandom k-uniform hypergraph G has a tight Euler tour subject to the necessary condition that k divides all vertex degrees. The case when G ...

Spanning Euler tours and spanning Euler families in hypergraphs ...

An Euler tour T of a hypergraph H is said to be spanning if every vertex of H is an anchor of T . An Euler family F of a hypergraph H is said to be spanning if ...

[2403.12713] Spanning Euler Tours in Hypergraphs - arXiv

An Euler tour is spanning if it traverses all the vertices of \mathcal{G}. We show that \mathcal{G} has an Euler family if its incidence graph is (1+\lceil k/c ...

On the relation between eulerian graph and eulerian hypergraph?

A hypergraph is called eulerian if it admits an euler tour which visits every hyperedge exactly once.

Euler Tours in Hypergraphs | Combinatorica - ACM Digital Library

We show that a quasirandom k-uniform hypergraph G has a tight Euler tour subject to the necessary condition that k divides all vertex degrees.

Using edge cuts to find Euler tours and Euler families in hypergraphs

In this paper, we show how the problem of existence of an Euler tour (family) in a hypergraph H can be reduced to the analogous problem in some smaller ...

(PDF) Eulerian properties of hypergraphs - ResearchGate

We give a partial characterization of hypergraphs with an Euler family (Euler tour, respectively) in terms of the intersection graph of the ...

Euler tours in hypergraphs - University of Birmingham Research Portal

We show that a quasirandom k-uniform hypergraph G has a tight Euler tour subject to the necessary condition that k divides all vertex ...

Euler Tours in Hypergraphs - ResearchGate

Download Citation | Euler Tours in Hypergraphs | We show that a quasirandom k-uniform hypergraph G has a tight Euler tour subject to the necessary condition ...

Eulerian Properties of Design Hypergraphs and ... - uO Research

We reduce the problem of finding an Euler tour in a hypergraph to finding an Euler tour in each of the connected components of the edge-deleted subhypergraph, ...

Eulerian properties of hypergraphs - NASA/ADS

In this paper we study three substructures in hypergraphs that generalize the notion of an Euler tour in a graph. A flag-traversing tour of a hypergraph ...

Quasi-Eulerian Hypergraphs | The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

We generalize the notion of an Euler tour in a graph in the following way. An Euler family in a hypergraph is a family of closed walks that ...

Covering hypergraphs are Eulerian - Wiley Online Library

1‐overlap cycle, covering hypergraph, Euler family, Euler tour, ... Initial results for. Euler tours in Steiner triple and quadruple systems ...

Tight Euler tours in uniform hypergraphs - computational aspects

It is proved that the problem of deciding if a given $3$-uniform hypergraph has a tight Euler tour is NP-complete, and that it cannot be solved in time ...

Using edge cuts to find Euler tours and Euler families in hypergraphs

An Euler tour in a hypergraph is a closed walk that traverses each edge of the hypergraph exactly once, while an Euler family is a family of ...

Eulerian Hypergraphs | Math Department | Vanderbilt University

Let $H$ be a $k$-uniform hypergraph, $k\ge 3$. An Euler tour in $H$ is an alternating sequence $v_0, e_1, v_1, e_2, v_2, \cdots, v_{m-1}, ...

Euler Tours - Oscar Levin

An Euler tour that starts and ends at the same vertex is called an Euler tour . ... Note that an Euler trail is sometimes also called an Euler walk or Euler path ...