
Evaluating Latin America's Commodity Dependence on China

Evaluating Latin America's Commodity Dependence on China

Based on these countries and commodities we create a dependency index and then assess the implications high Chinese GDP growth rates have had on South American ...

Evaluating Latin America's Commodity Dependence on China

During the last decade, China's growing economic importance has been considered a blessing for South America, given their still relatively high ...

Evaluating Latin America's Commodity Dependence on China

Evaluating Latin America's Commodity Dependence on China ... The global commodity boom in the last decade is largely explained by China's hunger ...

IMI Working Paper

to shifts in Chinese demand. 1.2 Latin America's exports to China centered on a limited number of products ... Evaluating Latin America's commodity dependence on ...

Evaluating Latin America's Commodity Dependence on China

( Garcia-Herrero, Nigrinis and Ferchen, 2013 ). The Index measures the relative exposure of Latin American exporters to shifts in demand from China and is ...

[PDF] Evaluating Latin America's Commodity Dependence on China ...

During the last decade, China s growing economic importance has been considered a blessing for South America, given their still relatively high dependence ...

China's Growing Influence in Latin America

As of 2023, Beijing has free trade agreements in place with Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Peru, and twenty-one Latin American countries have ...

Measuring Latin America's export dependency on China

These four commodities accounted for 80 per cent of the regions' total exports to China. Originality/value - This is one of few studies that look into Latin ...

Latin America and China: mutual benefit or dependency?1 | CEPAL

tradable commodities, evaluated at agents' prices (VDGA)); producers (value ... Most Latin American countries are exporters of commodities and low-tech products ...

Evaluating Latin America's Commodity Dependence on China | CoLab

To that end, we create a dependency index and then assess the implications of high Chinese GDP growth rates on South American performance over the last decade.

Measuring Latin America's export dependency on China

These four commodities accounted for 80 per cent of the regions' total exports to China. Originality/value This is one of few studies that look into Latin ...

How are the United States and China intersecting in Latin America?

The PRC is now South America's main trading partner, and trade has expanded far beyond just raw materials and commodities to include traditional ...

Economic Displacement: China's Growing Influence in Latin America

It is strongest in South America, where China buys vast quantities of commodities, including minerals and food. That pattern carries significant ...

Evaluating China's role in contemporary South American trade

... exports to China have the lowest level of sophistication and complexity. This re-primarization of SAC associated with a greater dependence on commodity exports.

China's growing presence in Latin America is a problem for the West

China has not yet developed manufacturing capacity in the Latin American region and more worryingly, Latin America's trade deficit with China ...

How sensitive are Latin American exports to Chinese competition in ...

We now turn to an assessment of how changes in US trade policy would affect imports from Latin America and China. We consider, first, the potential impact of.

Latin America and Its New Trade Dependency... This Time with China

Abstract: This article examines the sources of economic growth for a group of Latin. American countries in relation to their export performance in China.

Mind the Dragon: Latin America's Exposure to China

Indeed, we found that the response of the exchange rates of commodity exporters in Latin America, such as Brazil, Chile and Colombia, are large ...

China-Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Bulletin

ciated with deepening commodity dependence rather than diversification (see for example,. Capaldo and Ömer 2021; Gallagher and Porzecanski 2010). These ...

Trends and opportunities in trade between China and Latin America

The recent trade boom favoured commodity exporters in Latin. America and resulted in a strong concentration of exports to China.