
Executive Orders and Memorandums

Executive Order, Proclamation, or Executive Memorandum?

In addition to Executive Orders, presidents may also issue Proclamations and Executive Memoranda. As all three directives are produced by the President.

Your cheat sheet for executive orders, memorandums and ... - PBS

Donald Trump has signed more than a hundred executive order since taking office on policies covering immigration, health care, abortion and ...

Executive Orders - Federal Register

The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. After the President signs an ...

Presidential Actions Archives | The White House

Executive Orders, Memorandum, Proclamations and more by President Biden.

Executive Orders | The American Presidency Project

Executive Orders. Washington - Biden. The form, substance and numbers of presidential orders (jump to table below) has varied dramatically in the history ...

Presidential memorandum - Wikipedia

There are three types of presidential memoranda: presidential determination or presidential finding, memorandum of disapproval, and hortatory memorandum.

Executive Orders: An Introduction - CRS Reports

Separately, courts may also review other constitutional issues raised by the executive order (for example, whether the order violates the First ...

What Is an Executive Order? - American Bar Association

One of the most common “presidential” documents in our modern government is an executive order. Every American president has issued at least ...

What's the Difference Between Executive Orders, Memoranda, and ...

An executive order is an official, legally binding mandate from the president to federal agencies under the executive branch.

What Is An Executive Order, Executive Action And Memorandum?

President Trump has signed more than a dozen directives during his first week in office. Some of these actions are "orders" and others are ...

Presidential Documents - Federal Register

After the President signs an Executive order, the White House sends it to the Office of the Federal Register (OFR). The OFR numbers each order consecutively as ...

Presidential Memoranda | - Obama White House

Presidential Memoranda. Presidential Memorandum on January 19, 2017. Letter from the President -- Report with Respect to Guantanamo.

Presidential memorandum - Ballotpedia

A presidential memorandum is an official document issued by the president in order to manage the federal government. Presidential memoranda achieve similar ...

Executive Orders on Protecting the Homeland

The president announced a series of Executive Orders that provide the Department with additional resources, tools and personnel to carry out the critical work ...

Presidential memoranda vs. executive orders. What's the difference?

President Trump signed three directives on Monday, but they weren't executive orders.

OMB Memos, Circulars, Executive Orders and Other Policies

This is a select list of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memos and Circulars, Executive Orders, and other policies that are related to digital media and ...

List of executive actions by Donald Trump - Wikipedia

There are various kinds of executive actions that United States presidents may take. Executive orders are issued to help officers and agencies of the ...

Presidential Memoranda - Law & Policy

The 2009 President's Memorandum on Scientific Integrity directed the heads of executive departments and agencies to make federally developed science and ...

Executive orders defined: How presidents use orders and memoranda

The prolific and controversial use of executive action under Obama and Trump has drawn greater scrutiny to the form of presidential ...

Memorandum on Advancing the United States' Leadership in ...

This memorandum provides further direction on appropriately harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) models and AI-enabled technologies in the ...