
Exposure to transit migration

Exposure to transit migration: Public attitudes and entrepreneurship

We explore potential mechanisms and find that exposure to mass transit migration results in lower confidence in government, higher perceived political ...

Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes and Entrepreneurship

exposure to mass transit migration for each locality (the distance from the locality to the closest transit migrant route). As migrants and refugees may ...

Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes and Entrepreneurship

To capture the exogenous variation in natives' exposure to transit migration, we construct an instrument that is based on the distance of each locality to the ...

Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes, and ...

We find that the entrepreneurial activity of natives falls considerably in localities that are more exposed to mass migration, compared to those located further ...

Exposure to Transit Migration: Public Attitudes and Entrepreneurship

We explore potential mechanisms and find that exposure to mass transit migration results in lower confidence in government, higher perceived political ...

Exposure to transit migration: Public attitudes and entrepreneurship

To capture the exogenous variation in natives' exposure to transit migration, we construct an instrument that is based on each locality's ...

Exposure to transit migration: Public attitudes and entrepreneurship

We show that exposure to transit migration increases prejudice and anti-foreigner sentiment. It reduces trust in institutions, increases the ...

Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes, and ...

To capture the exogenous variation in exposure to transit migration, we construct an instrument that exploits the distance of each locality to ...

Exposure to transit migration:Public attitudes and entrepreneurship

We explore potential mechanisms and find that exposure to mass transit migration results in lower confidence in government, higher perceived political ...

Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes and Entrepreneurship

an increase in the anti-migrant sentiment while attitudes towards other minorities remained unchanged. We rule out the possibility of out- ...

The effects of traumatic experiences during transit and pushback on ...

Numerous studies have documented the stressful and traumatic experiences refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants are exposed to in their ...

Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes and Entrepreneurship

Ajzenman et al. (2020) also study exposure to refugees on their journey from Turkey to countries in Northern Europe. Entrepreneurial activity of natives fell ...

Transit Migration and Development

Transit migration tends to be risky and usually involves an irregular and unsafe route for at least part of the migrant's journey. Transit routes typically ...


migrants are exposed in the migration ... This report summarizes the challenges and opportunities associated with transit migration as related by youth migrants ...

Transit migration : a piece of the complex mobility puzzle. The case ...

Transit migration is a process rather than a migration status, a phase that cuts across various migrant categories, irregular as well as regular migrants, ...

Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes and Entrepreneurship

y sus micrófonos apagados. Exposure to Transit Migration, Public Attitudes and Entrepreneurship Abstract: Does exposure to mass migration affect economic ...

How useful is the concept of transit migration in an intra-Schengen ...

When using the concept of transit migration, contemporary scholarly literature and policy documents typically refer to situations located ...


A range of different people on the move transit through the North of Central America (NCA) and Mexico every year: migrants from Central America travelling ...

migrants in transit - ohchr

16 The vulnerability of migrant children to physical, psychological and/or sexual abuse and exploitation, including child labour, is exacerbated.

Transit Communities and Impact of Migration | CEUPress

This area was exposed to the unprecedented stream of refugees, most of them seeking safety from the Syrian civil war. The Hungarian government's hostility ...