
Fed Up| My child refuses to do public school or home school

Fed Up- My child refuses to do public school or home school - Reddit

We have been home schooling 3 years now and they hate it. I have tried everything, letting them pick what they learn, trying different learning styles, field ...

How To Respond When Your Homeschooling Child Won't “Do School”

Then perhaps the biggest thing, the biggest thing that you can do when it comes to getting your kids to do their work is establishing ...

How to deal with a child who doesn't want to be home schooled

Talk the child's teachers, not only about their school work, but how they are socializing in school, during work and play. In addition, usually ...

What if My Child Refuses to Do School Work?

Then give her a very high-level math test, science test, English test, history test, etc. Make sure they're so high-level that she can't accidentally guess the ...

If you pulled kids out of public/private school to homeschool...

We went from B&M school to virtual academy (online school) for different reasons for each child. My older was because the school couldn't cope ...

When Your Teen Hates Homeschooling High School… what to do ...

Maybe they are bored by their curriculum . Then find ways to switch it up. Are you letting them pick what courses they take? This is one way to let them have a ...

Homeschool: When Your Child Refuses - A One-Room Schoolhouse

Stick to a schedule. Having a set time and space to do schoolwork helps kids understand the expectations. · Is the work too hard? If the answer might be yes, ...

What Can I Do When My Child Refuses to Go to School?

The most important thing to do if your child refuses to go to school is to identify the underlying problem. Is it workload, peer pressure, or your child's way ...

School refusal: children & teenagers | Raising Children Network

Get someone else to drop your child at school, if you can. Children often cope better with separation at home rather than at the school gate. Praise your child ...

How to Report Homeschool Educational Neglect by State

If you have concerns about the education being provided in a homeschool setting, you may report those concerns to state or local education authorities or social ...

When The Kids Don't Want To Work | Raising A to Z - - YouTube

What do you do when your kids refuse to do their schoolwork? As a homeschooling parent, this can be the most frustrating thing to experience ...

School Avoidance: What to Do When Your Child Refuses to Go to ...

Some families who don't have the energy or resources for litigation choose to withdraw their school-avoidant children from public school and homeschool them.

How Can I Homeschool if My Child Won't Listen to Me?

There is a good reason to ask this question. If your child won't pay attention to you when you're speaking, how can you teach? How will your ...

Should I stop home-schooling and send my daughter to public school?

Before I begin listing them, let me be clear: I would not expect you to solve this problem on your own. Collaborate with the classroom teacher ...

Transitioning from Public School to Homeschool

The fact is there is just no guarantee you or your children will or won't be any of those things, no matter your school choice! There is also a ...

When Your Homeschooled Child Doesn't Want To Do School

Resistance is natural in kids, even when it comes to homeschooling. It does not mean you are doing anything wrong so don't take it personally. When Emily starts ...

Help! My Child Wants to Go Back to Public School!

The first thing I would suggest is to get your child talking. Why does she want to go back to school? What is he missing? And, sometimes you have to listen.

My Son Is a Terror at School

We are already planning to set up a meeting with the teacher to get more information. We are even prepared to move schools if the staff doesn't ...

Thinking of home schooling - Netmums

"If a child at school is anxious or scared about going home, understandably concerns would be raised. But if a child is scared and anxious about going to school ...

Why My Parents Refused to Homeschool Me and Why That Was the ...

I was afraid of public school. I had been having such a terrible experience with my peers at my parochial school that I was deeply afraid of other kids my own ...