
Fewer Aboriginal people progress through the criminal justice system

Fewer Aboriginal people progress through the criminal justice system

Existing initiatives · Aboriginal workers within the Courts Integrated Services Program (CISP) assist accused persons to access support and services to reduce ...

Goal 2.4: Fewer Aboriginal people return to the criminal justice system

There is a high level of “churn” amongst Aboriginal people already involved in the justice system – meaning that a high number of offenders can be expected ...

Community safety for First Nations people

Outcome area 10: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults are not overrepresented in the criminal justice system. Target: By 2031, reduce ...

New Closing the Gap data shows more First Nations Australians are ...

The Closing the Gap target pertaining to criminal justice is that by 2031, we reduce the rate of Indigenous adults in prison by at least 15%.

Closing the (incarceration) gap: assessing the socio-economic and ...

Approximately 1 in 5 to 1 in 6 Indigenous Australian males are currently imprisoned or have previously been imprisoned. Recent work has also pointed to a ...

Reducing incarceration of Aboriginal people: Challenges and choices

Overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in the NSW criminal justice system continues to worsen. Almost one third of people in prison in NSW are ...

2.11 Contact with the criminal justice system - AIHW Indigenous HPF

The majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people have never been incarcerated. However, First Nations people experience contact ...

The Aboriginal Justice Strategy - JustResearch Issue 15

It has long been established that Aboriginal people have much more contact with the criminal justice system than other groups. Aboriginal people ...

Chapter 2 Indigenous youth and the criminal justice system

Tragically, Indigenous juveniles and young adults are more likely to be incarcerated today than at any other time since the release of the Royal Commission into ...

The over-representation of indigenous people in custody in Australia

improvements in the ways the criminal justice system treats Indigenous people as recommended by the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. If ...

Aboriginal Peoples and the Criminal Justice System

Nevertheless, Aboriginal people are often seen as less worthy victims by the police, and thus. 1. Page 3. requests for assistance are often ignored or ...

Crime Prevention in Indigenous Communities: An Examination of ...

Given their prevalence in the criminal justice system, Indigenous Peoples are also more likely to be charged with or convicted of crimes than ...

The U.S. criminal justice system disproportionately hurts Native people

Native people made up 2.1% of all federally incarcerated people in 2019, larger than their share of the total U.S. population, which was less ...

The relationship between justice system non-involvement and the ...

Statistics indicate that Aboriginal young people aged 10–17 years are 20 times more likely to be held in custody than non-Indigenous people of ...

Aboriginal prison rates - Creative Spirits

Aboriginal people are massively overrepresented in the criminal justice system of Australia. They represent only 3% of the total population, ...

History of contact with the criminal justice system | ALRC

2.21 The RCIADIC found that Aboriginal people were not more likely than non-Indigenous people to die in custody. Instead, the high number of ...

Overrepresentation of Indigenous People in the Canadian Criminal ...

Reasons for the vast overrepresentation of Indigenous offenders and victims in the criminal justice system are discussed in this report. The Royal Commission on ...

Justice Canada study finds own courts stacked against Indigenous ...

Indigenous people are overrepresented in Canadian criminal courts and far more likely than white people to be convicted and locked up once they come before a ...

Towards a theory of Indigenous contact with the criminal justice system

The risk of arrest is lower among Indigenous Australians who are married, who have never been homeless, who have people they feel they can confide in, who have ...

A review of restorative justice programmes for First Nations Peoples ...

It is widely acknowledged that First Nations Peoples are overrepresented in Western criminal justice systems and that better responses are needed to address ...