
Field theories from physical requirements

"Field theories from physical requirements" by Mark Robert Baker

An axiomatic approach to physics is proposed for obtaining classical gauge theories from a common set of physical requirements based on ...

Field Theories from Physical Requirements: Noether's First Theorem ...

An axiomatic approach to physics is proposed for obtaining classical gauge theories from a common set of physical requirements based on standard features.

A derivation of quantum theory from physical requirements - arXiv

In this work, we show that the full formalism of quantum theory can instead be derived from five simple physical requirements, based on elementary assumptions.

Classical field theory - Wikipedia

A classical field theory is a physical theory that predicts how one or more fields in physics interact with matter through field equations, ...

Fields: Fundamental and Physical, yet Unobservable?

4. If fields were unobservable, even in principle, then all field theories would be equivalent. · 7 · 2 · 2 · Maybe you could have a look at Wheeler ...

Effective field theory - Wikipedia

In physics, an effective field theory is a type of approximation, or effective theory, for an underlying physical theory, such as a quantum field theory or ...

Physical Field Theories - University of Hawaii System

Causes are transmitted by contact, by material propagation. Human action results from mechanical stimuli operating in defined ways, such as by reinforcement and ...

Phys. Rev. D 106, 105018 (2022) - Causal effective field theories

Physical principles such as unitarity, causality, and locality can constrain the space of consistent effective field theories (EFTs) by ...

Emergence in Effective Field Theories - PhilSci-Archive

the kind of physical dynamics required for the production of emergent phenomena. For that we need symmetry breaking and the accompanying phase transitions ...

Field theory: Why have some physicists abandoned it? - PNAS

Field theoretic ideas also reach for the cosmos through the development of the “inflationary scenario”—a speculative, but completely physical, analysis of the ...

4. Introducing Conformal Field Theory - DAMTP

This connection will be described in Section 4.6. 4.5.4 Consequences of Unitarity. There is one physical requirement that a theory must obey which we have so ...

Field theories of consciousness - Scholarpedia

In most of the theories discussed, consciousness is proposed to be identical with some aspect of a physical field i.e. a field in which the ...

[2207.03491] Causal Effective Field Theories - arXiv

Abstract:Physical principles such as unitarity, causality, and locality can constrain the space of consistent effective field theories ...

Philosophical foundations of effective field theories

It is centered on three issues: whether effective field theories underpin a specific realist picture of the world, whether they support an anti- ...

The standard model effective field theory at work

References (Subscription Required). Click to ... physical vacuum, and the solid green axes symbolize the scalar field coordinate system.

On the development of effective field theory | The European Physical ...

Pursuing an effective field theory approach is a methodology for constructing theories, where a set of core principles is agreed upon, such as Lorentz symmetry ...

Quantum Field Theory - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The physical counterpart of the problem is that it would require an infinite amount of energy to measure a field at a point of space-time. One ...

Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics

Physical Review C, Vol. 59, Issue. 6, p. 3465. CrossRef · Google Scholar ... Search Title: required. Please provide a title, maximum of 40 characters ...

Topics: Theory of Physical Theories - Ole Miss Physics

Criteria for Physical Theories > s.a. Consistency; Fine Tuning; Naturalness; Occam's Razor; paradigms; Simplicity. * Traditional: Adequacy, i.e., verifiability ...

What are some low-energy phenomena that require quantum field ...

It requires quantum field theory. You must quantize the electric field to explain it as shown by Wigner and Weisskopf.