
Find deeply nested data in MongoDB

Find deeply nested data in MongoDB

My current aim is to find all securities that have Source = Manual on a security field (eg Instrument_Name, Instrument_InstrumentType)

How do I find an object nested deep in arrays in MongoDB?

You can't get only the object within the array. You have to pull the entire document. If you want subdocuments on their own, you'll need to use the aggregation ...

Query on Embedded/Nested Documents - MongoDB Manual v8.0

To learn how to load the sample dataset into your MongoDB Atlas deployment, see Load Sample Data. To query an embedded document in MongoDB Atlas, follow these ...

How to get all elements for which at least one deeply nested object ...

Hi there, hope you're doing well. I come from relational databases, but I'd like to try out MongoDB. However, I'm stuck on how to query the ...

Query Nested Objects in MongoDB - Spark By {Examples}

To query a field in the nested object in MongoDB use the find() method by referring to the nested field using the dot notation.

Querying deeply nested documents for multiple fields with the same ...

However, these fields are located at varying depths within the deeply nested structure of the mongoose schema, and some documents in the ...

Query to filter by filed in array of deeply nested documents - MongoDB

{ $or: [{ "categories.fieldToFilterBy": "1"}, {"categories.child.fieldToFilterBy" : "1" }]} , but this hardly an option, because the exact ...

Finding an item in a nested object of objects - MongoDB

find({charID: args.charID, enemy : {$elemMatch: {name : "X"}}}); How do I make it such that I get that entire ...

How to search in nested objects? - MongoDB Atlas

You can search over nested objects using Atlas Search. After creating Atlas Search search indexes, you can use $search directly to query nested objects instead ...

Returning deep nested array - Working with Data - MongoDB

Thus the query using $elemMatch returns the document that satisfies that condition as a whole. It does not return partial document. If you want ...

Query deeply nested Objects in MongoDB - TutorialsPoint

Group query upon nested object in MongoDB? ... MongoDB query to sort nested array? MongoDB find() query for nested document? ... Update objects in a ...

Is it okay to store deeply nested json documents in mongo? - Reddit

It really depends on the way you want to structure your data. If you are nesting object that contains an array of objects that contains an array ...

Find an object in nested array of object - MongoDB

I would like to find documents where there are “goodBanana” in their array of “banana”. I am experimenting with the $in operator but I am having trouble using ...

Lookup aggregation within nested array - MongoDB

I have a data structure where I have a deeply nested array of objects, which then contain an array of ids. I want to do a lookup of those ids against another ...

How to Update Deeply Nested Array in MongoDB/ Mongoose

I see that no one could solve to the problem so I found the solution myself. If you have many nested arrays inside of your object, you should ...

Query nested objects in a document with unknown key - MongoDB

You can then have a multi-keys index on items.k and with $elemMatch (or $unwind and $match) you can find the k for which LastEvent:On. Just the ...

MongoDB deeply nested document operations

find({"field1.field2.field3": "value"}) ``` #### Query for documents with the specified value in nested fields: ```mongo db.collection.find({"field1.field2 ...

Infinitely recursive deeply nested objects of same type ... - MongoDB

... object data store in only one place for each object. For example ... I have been trying to find a solution to this and cant for the life of me.

MongoDB Nested Query: A Comprehensive Guide 101 - Hevo Data

collection.find() method in mongosh. This document has a field name “item” that contains another document, and this document contains two fields ...

MongoDB - Querying Nested Documents and Array of ... - YouTube

In this lecture we will have a look at how to query nested documents and array of nested documents in Mongodb.