
Firm Sorting and Agglomeration

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - American Economic Association

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration by Cecile Gaubert. Published in volume 108, issue 11, pages 3117-53 of American Economic Review, November 2018, Abstract: To ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - University of California, Berkeley

... firm-level data and find that nearly half of the productivity advantage of large cities is due to firm sorting, the rest coming from agglomeration economies.

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration | NBER

The distribution of city sizes and the sorting patterns of firms are uniquely determined in equilibrium. This allows me to structurally estimate ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - American Economic Association

Firms sort across cities of different sizes. Firm sorting is driven by a trade-off between gains in productivity through local externalities, and higher labor ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration Cecile Gaubert Working Paper 24478

Aggregate TFP and welfare depend on the extent of agglomeration externalities produced in cities and on how heterogeneous firms sort across them. The ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - Penn Economics

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration. Cecile Gaubert. ∗. Department of Economics, Princeton University. JOB MARKET PAPER. Abstract. The distribution of firms in space ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - EconPapers - RePEc

By Cecile Gaubert; Abstract: To account for the uneven distribution of economic activity in space, I propose a theory of the location ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - 01TTU - Texas Tech University

To account for the uneven distribution of economic activity in space, I propose a theory of the location choices of heterogeneous firms in a variety of ...

Firm sorting and agglomeration - CEPR

This column argues that such subsidies have costly long-run effects, both on the productive efficiency of the economy and in terms of welfare.

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - Search eLibrary :: SSRN

The distribution of city sizes and the sorting patterns of firms are uniquely determined in equilibrium. This allows me to structurally estimate ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - IDEAS/RePEc

Abstract. The distribution of firms in space is far from uniform. Some locations host the most productive large firms, while others barely attract any. In this ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - Gaubert2018 - Thomas Delemotte

Who benefits from agglomeration externalities? Firms located in large cities benefit disproportionately from agglomeration externalities, Combes ...

Replication data for: Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - openICPSR

The following publications are supplemented by the data in this project. Gaubert, Cecile. “Firm Sorting and Agglomeration.” American Economic Review 108, no. 11 ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration | Request PDF - ResearchGate

Request PDF | Firm Sorting and Agglomeration | To account for the uneven distribution of economic activity in space, I propose a theory of the location ...

Replication data for: Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - openICPSR

Gaubert, Cecile. Replication data for: Firm Sorting and Agglomeration: Replication_package_AER_2015_0361: GE_baseline.m. Nashville, TN: American Economic ...

spatial selection and sorting | Journal of Economic Geography

We sign the bias, showing that standard techniques will overestimate the importance of agglomeration economies since firms that move to the agglomerated region ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - University of Exeter

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration Check holdings Forum Library Journals Level -1 (P 330.5 A50). Firm Sorting and Agglomeration Available Online.

(PDF) Firm Sorting and Agglomeration - Amanote Research

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration by Cecile Gaubert. Full text available on Amanote Research.

Spatial sorting with heterogeneous firms and heterogeneous sectors

While agglomeration externalities, selection and sorting all produce higher average productivity among firms in the core, they have very different ...

Firm Sorting and Agglomeration (Gaubert, AER 2018) - LinkedIn

... agglomeration externalities (productivity gain from non-market interaction) from firm sorting (more productive firm choosing larger cities) ...