
Forced and internal components of observed Arctic sea|ice changes

Forced and internal components of observed Arctic sea-ice changes

We use a novel technique called low-frequency component analysis to identify the dominant patterns of winter and summer decadal Arctic sea-ice variability in ...

Forced and internal components of observed Arctic sea-ice changes

Here are the detail comments: General: The interactions of atmosphere, sea ice and ocean within the Arctic Ocean will affect and regulate the changes and ...

Forced and internal components of observed Arctic sea-ice changes

Here, we aim to identify and analyze dominant patterns of decadal variability in the summer and winter Arctic sea- ice concentration over the ...

(PDF) Forced and internal components of observed Arctic sea-ice ...

The relative contribution of internal variability to observed Arctic sea-ice changes also remains poorly quantified. Here, we use a novel ...

Forced and internal components of observed Arctic sea-ice changes

Summary: The Arctic sea-ice cover is strongly influenced by internal variability on decadal timescales, affecting both short-term trends and the ...

Reconciling Roles of External Forcing and Internal Variability in ...

To enhance our understanding of the change in Arctic sea ice, it is crucial to determine the extent to which the observed sea ice reduction in various Arctic ...

Forced and internal components of observed Arctic sea-ice changes

Abstract. The Arctic sea-ice cover is strongly influenced by internal variability on decadal timescales, affecting both short-term trends and the timing of ...

Reconciling Roles of External Forcing and Internal Variability in ...

... forced and internally generated sea ice changes in the observations. ... Wills, 2023: Forced and internal components of observed. Arctic sea-ice ...

Fingerprints of internal drivers of Arctic sea ice loss in observations ...

of anthropogenic and internal factors1–13. The mean response of climate simulations driven by historical forcing exhibits a less pronounced decline of Arctic ...

Science of Sea Ice | National Snow and Ice Data Center

As ice thins, its speed increases, transporting more ice through the Strait, which results in more multiyear ice leaving the Arctic Ocean at an increasing rate.

Significant contribution of internal variability to recent Barents–Kara ...

The Arctic has experienced a rapid sea ice loss in the Barents and Kara Seas in winter over the satellite era. Such sea ice loss has been ...

Unraveling the Arctic Sea Ice Change since the Middle of the ... - MDPI

Anthropogenic aerosols, nature forcing and atmospheric ozone changes are found to contribute to the sea ice expansion in the early period. Their ...

Internal Variability Increased Arctic Amplification During 1980–2022

Application of this machine learning algorithm to observations reveals that internal variability increases the Arctic warming but slows global ...

Chapter 3: Polar regions - IPCC

The resulting advection of warm air and moisture from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans into the central Arctic increased downward longwave radiation, delayed sea ...

Effects of Arctic Sea Ice Decline on Weather and Climate: a review

In this paper, I first summarize the observed changes in the Arctic sea ice cover ... changes in the model forcing, significant reductions in storminess were ...

Reconciling Roles of External Forcing and Internal Variability in ...

Our study suggests that previous approaches might overestimate the real impact of internal variability on Arctic sea ice change especially on ...

A Review of Arctic Sea Ice Climate Predictability in Large-Scale ...

On longer timescales, sea ice predictability arises from changes in climate drivers (“boundary forced predictability”). In the next decades, ...

Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent | Vital Signs - Climate Change - NASA

Summer Arctic sea ice extent is shrinking by 12.2% per decade due to warmer temperatures. Arctic sea ice reaches its minimum extent (the area in which satellite ...

The Trajectory Towards a Seasonally Ice-Free Arctic Ocean

The future trajectory of the Arctic sea-ice cover can be described through a deterministic component arising primarily from future greenhouse ...

Attribution of late summer early autumn Arctic sea ice decline in ...

The underlying mechanisms for Arctic sea ice decline can be categories as those directly related to changes in atmospheric circulations ...