
Forecasting inflation using commodity price aggregates

Forecasting inflation using commodity price aggregates

In this paper we re-examine the usefulness of commodity prices in forecasting inflation from the viewpoint of small commodity-exporting countries.

Forecasting Inflation using Commodity Price Aggregates

The MIDAS approach, using mixed frequency data, does not generate further improvements in out-of-sample forecasts. Keywords: commodity prices, CPI and PPI ...

I The Use of Commodity Prices to Forecast Inflation in - IMF eLibrary

Focusing on the aggregate inflation rate for a broad group of countries may also enhance the measured importance of commodity prices as a leading indicator; ...

Forecasting inflation using commodity price aggregates - EconPapers

Abstract: This paper shows that for five small commodity-exporting countries that have adopted inflation targeting monetary policies, world ...

Forecasting Inflation Using Commodity Price Aggregates

This paper shows that for five small commodity-exporting countries that have adopted inflation targeting monetary policies, world commodity ...


aggregates, selected measures of real economic activity, and some commodity prices. ... forecasting real output growth and price inflation using a sample ...

I The Use of Commodity Prices to Forecast Inflation in - IMF eLibrary

Changes in commodity prices have long played an important indicative role in analyses or global economic conditions, principally because of their importance for ...

Forecasting Inflation - Scholars at Harvard

to exploit information in the cross-section of inflation indexes (percent- age growth of sectoral or commodity group price indexes) for forecasting headline ...

Chen, Y., Turnovsky, S. J., & Zivot, E. (2014). Forecasting Inflation ...

The results show that CPI forecasting consistently outperforms PPI forecasting in both nations. Additionally, both commodity price index and crude oil price ...

Forecasting in#ation - Princeton University

Commodity prices do not improve in#ation forecasts at the 12- month horizon. The only variables that consistently improve upon Phillips curve forecasts are ...

Commodity Prices as Predictors of Aggregate Price Change

“broad commodity price indexes are always useful in predicting consumer price inflation.” Joseph Whitt. [1988] found that commodity price indexes had.


The focus of this paper is on forecasting price inflation using monthly data for the U.S. ... including commodity prices in VARs first suggested in Sims (1992)).

The Role of Commodity Price Aggregates for Monetary Policy

This paper examines the usefulness of various world commodity price aggregates for forecasting the currency and inflation rates in five major ...

Forecasting Inflation like a Data Scientist: 2021 Edition - Two Sigma

Market-implied forecasts using instruments like the U.S. Treasury's Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) can present issues because of ...

Forecasting US inflation in real time - Federal Reserve Board

aggregation and forecast combination, do stand out. First, the aggregated forecast – which forecasts core, food, and energy prices separately.

Should We Forecast the Aggregate or the Components?

The authors investigate the behaviour of core inflation in Canada to analyze three key issues: (i) homogeneity in the response of various price indexes to ...

Forecasting Output and Inflation: The Role of Asset Prices

20⒕ Forecasting inflation using commodity price aggregates. Journal of Econometrics 183:1, 117-13⒋ [Crossref]. 49⒏ Yong Ma, Yulu Chen. 20⒕ Financial ...

To aggregate or not to aggregate? Euro area inflation forecasting

The lowest RMSE for processed food prices is obtained with a dynamic single equation, including 4 lags of the dependent variable, food commodity prices (in euro) ...

Forecasting Inflation by James H. Stock, Mark W. Watson :: SSRN

... rates, money and commodity prices. These forecasts can however be improved upon using a generalized Phillips curve based on measures of real aggregate ...

New Perspectives on Forecasting Inflation in Emerging Market

pass-through into import prices. The indirect effect occurs because real exchange rate movements contribute to shift aggregate demand across countries. 10 We ...