

What is a Front-End Developer - W3Schools

Main responsibilities. The main responsibility of the Front-End Developer is the User interface. Simply put, create things that the user sees. Tip: If you are ...

What is Frontend Development? - Developer Roadmaps

This roadmap contains everything that you might encounter while working as a Frontend Developer. You may not need everything listed on this roadmap to get into ...

Is it… Front-end or Front end or Frontend? | by Ivan Stevkovski

Based on the Cambridge dictionary, you should use “Front end” (as a compound noun) and “Front-end” (as a compound adjective).

Front-end web development - Wikipedia

Front-end web development ... Front-end web development is the development of the graphical user interface of a website through the use of HTML, CSS, and ...

Is it Front-end or Frontend? - Reddit

Both are technically correct, but "Frontend" is now commonly written as a single word, so "Junior Frontend Developer" is widely accepted and ...

What is a Front End (In a Website) - Definition & Development

The front end of a website is everything the user either sees or interacts with when they visit the website. It is responsible for the look and feel of a ...

What Is a Front-End Developer? - Frontend Masters

A front-end developer is a type of software developer who specializes in creating and designing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of websites ...

State of Frontend 2024 - The Software House

The State of Frontend 2024 offers insights into new technological topics and a completely different business perspective. We have asked C-level executives about ...

Frontend and backend - Wikipedia

Frontend and backend ... In software engineering, the terms frontend and backend (sometimes written as back end or back-end) refer to the separation of concerns ...

Front-End Development: The Complete Guide - Cloudinary

Building an Image Upload Feature with JavaScript, Mastering Image Alignment: Centering Images with HTML & CSS, Adding Video to Your React Native App.

Frontend Practice | Become a better frontend developer.

Take your frontend skills to the next level by recreating real websites from real companies.

Frontend Mentor | Front-end coding challenges using a real-life ...

Our professionally designed challenges help you gain hands-on experience writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We create the designs so you can focus on the code.

Frontend Masters: Learn JavaScript, React, and TypeScript to Node ...

Gain practical tech skills from experts you can trust. JavaScript, React, and TypeScript to Node.js and Backend (Go, Git, Docker, & More)

The End of Front-End Development • Josh W. Comeau

Large language models like GPT-4 are becoming increasingly capable, at an alarming rate. Within a couple of years, we won't need developers ...

Frontend.FYI: Teaching you the craft of frontend

I publish free tutorials on YouTube every week. Sometimes I create a written blog version of it too. In the live playground on this website you are experiment ...

Front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end web development

A front-of-the-front-end developer is a web developer who specializes in writing HTML, CSS, and presentational JavaScript code.

The Frontend Developer Career Path - Scrimba

The Frontend Developer Career Path. Launch your career as a frontend developer with this immersive path. Created in collaboration with Mozilla MDN, ensuring ...

The quiet, pervasive devaluation of frontend - Josh Collinsworth blog

I feel like I'm seeing a widespread diminishment of the practice of frontend. Nearly everywhere I look, I notice its importance minimized, and its challenges ...

The Complete Frontend Developer Roadmap [2024] - YouTube

Go from zero to a frontend developer in 12 months. This step-by-step roadmap covers the essential skills and latest technologies to become a ...

Front-end Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

The meaning of FRONT-END is relating to, occurring in, or required at the beginning of an undertaking or business transaction. How to use front-end in a ...