
Future of single activity with multiple fragment!!!

Future of single activity with multiple fragment!!! : r/androiddev - Reddit

I makes sense that multiple activity has some disadvantages like data sharing, transitions. Use of multiple fragment is great when we use it in a modular way.

android - Multiple Activity or Single Activity and multiple fragments

Performance fragment transactions are fast than creating new activities. · Navigation Drawer and Toolbar, it's easy to manage with Single ...

How to Use Multiple Fragments in One Activity - Android Tutorial

This is Android tutorial and you'll learn how to use multiple Fragments in One Activity. It is very common for your app to have many ...

10 best practices for moving to a single activity - YouTube

... multiple tasks when appropriate. Gasp! 10. Don ... Fragment 1.1 was just released with a new feature for testing and verifying fragments.

Single-Activity principle in moderm Android apps | Nerd For Tech

It's not just adding all your Fragments (or Activities ) into a navigation-graph and reference it using a NavHostFragment . You must have a ...

Displaying Multiple Fragments in a Single Activity — Android

We can use one to multiple fragments in a single activity. Based on the app requirements, we might use fragments in our app or we might not use ...

Single Activity with two fragments that are swipable for a full screen ...

Hi , I am trying to create an activity that has the following two pages divided into two fragments that are swipable. Following is the image ...

Why not only use fragments in Android developement? - Quora

There is nothing wrong in creating apps with only one activity and many fragments as long as the application navigations flow would make ...

Single Activity vs Multiple Activity Architecture -Android App

Instead of using multiple activities for login and registration, we can simply approach this architecture by creating fragments for every module for ...

When should I use Fragments over Activities in Android and why?

An activity can contain more than one fragments, but only one fragment can be on screen, at any one time. All the fragments of any activity are ...

Part 3 — Single activity architecture + some funky Dagger

Morphing Activities into Fragments ... Currently there are two screens, both activities. Both these activities extend BaseActivity. So the change ...

Fragments | Android Developers

You can use multiple instances of the same fragment class within the same activity, in multiple activities, or even as a child of another ...

Android Basics - Activities & Fragments - Avenue Code Snippets

You can combine multiple fragments in a single activity to build a multi-pane UI and reuse a fragment in multiple activities. You can think ...

Will 'Fragment' rule over 'Activity' the Android World in the Future?

You would be able to add multiple fragments in a single activity to create a multi-pane user interface and can reuse a fragment in many ...

New Things in Android Fragments - Netguru

FragmentContainer extends FrameLayout but allows only Fragments as its children. Except for being the one and true container for Fragments, it ...

Fragment Navigation on Android - Medium

Single Activity Architecture: Consider using a single-activity architecture where your app consists of a single activity that manages multiple ...

Introducing Android Fragments - I Programmer

The reason for this arrangement is that the Activity can decide to display the View that the Fragment provides as it needs to. The idea is that ...

Android Multiple Fragment in single activity. - YouTube

Android Multiple Fragment in single activity. 1K views · 4 years ago ...more. Android Classes. 67.

What Problems Exist With Multi Activities - ProAndroidDev

Alternatives To Multi Activities. There some libraries that use only custom views in single Activity instead of Fragments or Activities such ...

Android single activity with multi fragment example - GitHub

This app demonstrates multiple fragments in an activity, a shared ViewModel across fragments, data binding, LiveData, and the Jetpack Navigation component.