
Gender wage transparency and the gender pay gap

Gender wage transparency and the gender pay gap: A survey

To sum up, literature concerning the impact of pay transparency on the gender wage gap is currently small but growing rapidly. Accumulating ...

Pay Range Transparency Is Critical for Driving Pay Equity

On the other hand, disclosing the pay or pay range for a position may help close gender wage gaps. Pay range transparency gives job applicants crucial ...

Pay transparency and the gender gap

We examine the impact of public sector salary disclosure laws on university faculty salaries in. Canada. The laws, which enable public access to ...

Equal Pay and Pay Transparency | U.S. Department of Labor

An Evaluation of the Gender Wage Gap Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data and Executive Summary. This report was developed by the Census Bureau and the ...

Pay Transparency and the Gender Gap

Pay Transparency and the Gender Gap by Michael Baker, Yosh Halberstam, Kory Kroft, Alexandre Mas and Derek Messacar. Published in volume 15, issue 2, ...

How To Introduce Pay Transparency To Help Close The Gender Pay ...

Closing wage gaps: On average, women are paid 82 cents for every dollar men make. Wage gaps and pay inequity have been found to be reduced in ...

Transparency Shrinks Gender Pay Gap - SHRM

This approach showed that women now earn 98 cents for every dollar earned by men, up from 97.8 cents in 2018. While that difference may seem ...

Equal Pay Policies and the Gender Wage Gap

It presents studies under five topic areas: (1) salary history bans; (2) pay transparency policies; (3) gender and salary negotiations; (4) gender bias in ...

Wage transparency for gender equality - Deloitte

When salaries are kept secret, it is easy for biases to creep in and for women to be paid less for the same work. Transparency makes it easier ...

Pay Range Transparency Helps Reduce Gender Wage Gaps

The desire to close race and gender wage gaps has motivated recent legislative actions to promote workplace pay transparency, through policies such as ...

Pay transparency can address the gender pay gap

GENEVA (ILO News) – Pay transparency measures can help expose pay differences between men and women and identify the underlying causes, ...

Quick Facts About State Salary Range Transparency Laws

In general, it is clear that measures to promote transparency can help narrow persistent gender and racial wage gaps by reducing pay secrecy and ...

Does Pay Transparency Affect the Gender Wage Gap? Evidence ...

Does Pay Transparency Affect the Gender Wage Gap? Evidence from Austria by Andreas Gulyas, Sebastian Seitz and Sourav Sinha. Published in volume 15, ...

Explainer: What are pay transparency laws and are they working?

The details vary around the world, but in essence, the legislation requires companies to report on their gender pay gap and include salary ...

More states enact salary transparency laws to fight gender, racial ...

To combat gender and racial wage gaps, nearly a dozen states recently have enacted pay transparency laws that require employers to be more ...

How Employee Benefits Transparency Can Advance Gender Pay ...

Conversations about gender pay equity tend to focus on the gender wage gap, which is easier to measure than it is to fix. Among full-time ...

Why pay transparency can help reduce the EU's gender pay gap

In the EU, women are on average paid 13% less per hour than men. Increased pay transparency and new enforcement mechanisms aim to combat pay discrimination ...

External Pay Transparency and the Gender Wage Gap

To study the impact of the external pay transparency law on wages and the gender pay gap, we use linked vacancy-employer-employee data containing information ...

Pay transparency intervention and the gender pay gap: Evidence ...

In particular, UK-based studies find that gender pay gap falls by around 2.3–2.8 percentage points; three times the magnitude of our findings.

1 Can pay transparency policies close the gender wage gap?

As part of their efforts to close gender wage gaps, many OECD countries are implementing promising new pay transparency tools like employer pay.