
Ghost fishing gear

Ghost fishing gear | Stories | WWF - World Wildlife Fund

Fishing gear accounts for roughly 10% of that debris: between 500,000 to 1 million tons of fishing gear are discarded or lost in the ocean every ...

What is ghost fishing? - National Ocean Service

Derelict fishing gear, sometimes referred to as "ghost gear," is any discarded, lost, or abandoned, fishing gear in the marine environment.

Stopping Ghost Gear | Projects | WWF - World Wildlife Fund

Abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear, commonly referred to as ghost gear, contributes significantly to the problem of plastic pollution in our ocean.

The Global Ghost Gear Initiative

The Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) is a cross stakeholder alliance of fishing industry, private sector, NGOs, academia and governments focused on solving ...

Preventing Lost Gear and Ghost Fishing | Marine Stewardship Council

Ghost gear is abandoned or lost fishing gear. It can harm marine life. The MSC aims to reduce ghost fishing by rewarding fisheries that avoid loss and ...

Ghost Fishing: A Cycle of Devastation | Olive Ridley Project

Ghost fishing refers to the destructive cycle of continued catching and killing of marine animals by abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear.

'An invisible killer': how fishing gear became the deadliest marine ...

Known officially as abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) – and unofficially as “ghost gear” – this marine waste comprises fishing ...

The Global Ghost Gear Initiative - Ocean Conservancy

“Ghost gear” is any fishing gear that is abandoned, lost or discarded in aquatic environments. This includes fishing nets, long lines, fish traps, lobster pots ...

What is ghost gear

One of the biggest threats to our oceans is marine litter and in particular, ghost fishing gear. The term ghost gear refers to any fishing ...

Explained: Ghost Fishing

It gets dragged around the ocean by currents and storms, killing fish and damaging marine habitats. This “ghost gear” (Abandoned, Lost, or ...

What Are Ghost Nets? The Silent Killers of Our Oceans | ORP

Ocean currents can cause ghost gear to drift far from its origin and cross countless borders. As a result, the gear can often end up all over ...

Derelict Fishing Gear | Marine Debris Program

Derelict fishing gear is lost and discarded gear that is no longer under the control of a commercial or recreational fisher.

106 Ghost Fishing Gear - HEAL THE PLANET

The biggest single source of plastic killing our oceans is made up of lost, discarded, or abandoned fishing nets, ropes, long lines, and plastic fishing crates ...

Talking Ocean Trash: Ghost Gear Keeps on Fishing | Britannica

Talking Ocean Trash: Ghost Gear Keeps on Fishing. Written by Michele Metych. Fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Stop Ghost Fishing - Save Coastal Wildlife

Recycling - One way to prevent derelict gear from becoming “ghost gear” is to have fishermen return their worn-out nets and traps to their port for recycling ...

Highest risk abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear - Nature

... gear quantity indicators of catch weight and fishing grounds area, and adverse consequences from derelict gear. The latter accounted for ghost ...

Ghost fishing gear and their effect on ecosystem services

Additionally, ALDFG are shown to cause harm to non-commercial animals. Coral mortality increases with increasing amounts of entangled fishing lines, and ghost ...

Preventing lost and abandoned fishing gear (ghost fishing)

The MSC aims to reduce ghost fishing by rewarding fisheries that avoid gear loss and minimise waste.

Ghost Gear: The Abandoned Fishing Nets Haunting Our Oceans

The Abandoned Fishing Nets Haunting Our Oceans Pollution of the world's oceans is a growing and pervasive problem, and that is especially ...

New report from WWF says abandoned fishing gear an “immortal ...

*Ghost gear is a common name for abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear such as gillnets, traps and pots, or fish aggregation ...