
Globalisation and mental disorders

Globalization and mental health: a WPA perspective - PMC

Globalization may be defined as a process in which the traditional boundaries separating individuals and societies gradually and increasingly recede.

is globalisation good or bad for mental health? Testing for quadratic ...

The World Mental Health Report shows that globalisation has a drastic impact on mental health, and emerging nations have high rates of mental ...

Globalisation and mental disorders. Overview with relation to ...

To discuss the role of globalisation, using the epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical presentation and treatment of depression across various cultures as an ...

The mental health consequences of globalisation - HAL

In particular, we show that even though trade globalisation reduces mental health disorders at the country-level, the positive influence of.

Global cultures as a consequence of globalization of mental health

In this chapter, we present a description and reflection of globalization, its impact on mental health and well-being, and also a critique of the GMH movement.

Globalisation and mental disorders | The British Journal of Psychiatry

CONCLUSIONS. The experience of depression is recognisable across different cultures, although researchers agree that clinical presentation may vary ...

The globalisation of mental illness - British Psychological Society

It is projected that by 2030, depression willbe the second biggest cause of disease burden across the globe (Mathers & Loncar, 2006), second only to HIV/AIDS.

Quantifying the global burden of mental disorders and their ...

Findings. We estimate that 418 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) could be attributable to mental disorders in 2019 (16% of global ...

The mental health consequences of globalisation - IDEAS/RePEc

We go beyond the simple impact of globalisation in observable labor market outcomes and show that more globalized counties experience higher mental distress ...

Making Mental Health a Global Development Priority - World Bank

Between 1990 and 2013, the number of people suffering from depression and/or anxiety increased by nearly 50%, from 416 million to 615 ...

The globalisation of mental illness. - APA PsycNET

The burden (mortality and disability) caused by mental disorders across the globe is on the rise. Psychiatric services for treating mental health ...

(PDF) The Globalisation of Mental Illness - ResearchGate

Global Mental Health and Cultural Psychiatry ... It is estimated that at least ten percent of the world's population has a mental illness, and the ...

Mental health matters - The Lancet Global Health

From addiction to dementia to schizophrenia, almost 1 billion people worldwide suffer from a mental disorder. Lost productivity as a result of two of the most ...

Impact of Globalisation on Mental Health in Low - Sage Journals

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental disorders contribute to about 13 per cent of the global burden of disease. (GBD). Almost three-quarters ...

Globalization of psychiatry – A barrier to mental health development

'Globalization' has become a popular concept to explain changes taking place today in different parts of the world as a result of interaction between peoples ...

The mental health consequences of globalisation

We go beyond the simple impact of globalisation in observable labor market outcomes and show that more globalized counties experience higher mental distress ...

Globalization and mental distress -

We find that import competition strongly worsens individual mental distress. Our estimates imply that a one standard deviation larger import shock ( ...

Conceptualizing globalization for mental health research

A conceptual framework linking mental health and globalization could allow for empirically testable propositions, particularly in the context of natural ...

The mental health consequences of globalisation | Semantic Scholar

Micro evidence for employed workers has led to the claim that globalisation, i.e. higher trade exposure, has far-reaching implications for mental health ...

(PDF) Globalization: Mental Health and Social Economic Factors

This article reviews the literature on mental health and inequality, occupational patterns and identity shifts before considering the role of globalization as ...