
God and Empiricism

God and Empiricism - Jeff Geerling

This paper will explore views of God in early modern empiricism, especially that of John Locke and David Hume.

How should a Christian view rationalism vs. empiricism?

The debate between rationalism and empiricism focuses on the divide between using the scientific method and one's own rationale (independent of external ...

Is empiricism the main reason many philosophers don't believe in ...

Given that empiricism believe that knowledge comes from empirical evidence, many empiricists reject God. Obviously there are exceptions like ...

Empiricism, Modern Science, Idealism, and God

In this clip, Ward develops his view that empiricism is incompatible with modern materialistic sciences but is compatible with idealism and theism.

Empiricism and religious belief (Chapter 7) - Understanding ...

The main epistemic question is whether there are empirical grounds for beliefs about God's intentions.

The Problem of Perception and the Experience of God

The Problem of Perception and the Experience of God: Toward a Theological Empiricism. A fundamental problem in Christian theology has been that of determining ...

Can an empiricist believe in God? - Quora

First, understand that if a person doesn't want to believe in God, nothing you say will convince them. But as for arguments, empiricists ...

What Does Scripture Indicate About Rationalism and Empiricism?

Empiricism, on the other hand, posits that all knowledge comes from sensory experience. It suggests that our understanding of reality is ...

Empiricism, Theoretical Constructs, and God

Empiricism, Theoretical Constructs, and God. Kai Nielsen. I. It is plausible to argue, and it has been repeatedly argued, that in order for us to understand ...

Does God exist? Why empiricism must take a back seat to reason ...

Empiricism works for material reality, but not very well for the realities of morality and faith in an immaterial God. Therefore, while it can ...

The Rainbow of Experiences, Critical Trust, and God: A Defense of ...

Here his argument against scientism and the "narrow empiricism" this scientism has often adopted becomes apparent. He takes Einstein as representative of the ...

Rationalism vs. empiricism – What is a Christian view?

Rationalism generally holds that at least some things are knowable without sense experience. This view further maintains that other things are knowable via ...

Empiricism and Process Theology: God Is What God Does

The author sees reality as a process of becoming and perishing, with new “becomings” building on that which has perished.

Spiritual Empiricism - Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought

The principle of spiritual empiricism, even though this principle is not perfectly understood by all members of the Church.

Epistemology - Empiricism

You could not. Therefore, it has no meaning. Some have taken this to mean that since there exists no empirical evidence that could falsify god, let alone the ...

God in Empiricism (Philosophy Paper) - Jeff Geerling

The main purpose of the paper was to explore how the Empiricist thought of God has developed historically, and what impact this thought has had ...

Rationalism, Empiricism and Christianism as Philosophical Systems ...

The assumptions of christianism are: 1) that God exists and 2) that His revelations are trustworthy. To observe their parallel structure the two ...

Empiricism and 1 John 1:1-3 - Vincent Cheung

Therefore, an appeal to the passage to support empiricism is at the same time a repudiation of the Christian religion, and of one's confession ...

Empiricism and the incarnation: how the scientific method helps us ...

A non-Christian philosopher might come up with attributes of God which we would affirm: for example, that God is eternal, all-powerful, and perfect. If you ...

Empiricism, Realism, and Religion - Science

Empiricism does not claim that atoms exist, but it also does not assert that they do not exist. Similarly, empiricism says nothing about the existence of God.