- Gravitational and electromagnetic radiations from binary black holes ...🔍
- Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...🔍
- Gravitational and Electromagnetic Radiations from Binary Black ...🔍
- Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation from Charged ...🔍
- Does a black hole merger emit any electromagnetic radiation🔍
- Research — Binary Black Holes🔍
- Gravitational waves from a population of binary black holes🔍
- Do only black holes emit gravitational waves?🔍
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiations from binary black holes ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiations from binary black holes ...
We derive the equations of motion of black hole binaries with electric and magnetic charges and explore some features of static orbits. We ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
We derive the hyperbolic orbit of binary black holes with electric and magnetic charges. In the low-velocity and weak-field regime, by using the Newtonian ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
We calculate the total emission rates of energy and angular momentum due to gravitational and electromagnetic radiations from dyonic binary black holes in ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
We derive the equations of motion of dyonic black hole binaries with electric and magnetic charges and explore features of static orbits.
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
We derive the hyperbolic orbit of binary black holes with electric and magnetic charges. In the low-velocity and weak-field regime, ...
Gravitational and Electromagnetic Radiations from Binary Black ...
We derive the equations of motion of black hole binaries with electric and magnetic charges and explore some features of static orbits. We calculate the total.
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
Extending the electromagnetic and gravitational radiations from binary black holes with electric and magnetic charges in circular orbits in Liu et al.
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes with electric and magnetic charges: hyperbolic orbits on a cone, Zu-Cheng Chen, ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
Moreover, we obtain the evolutions of orbits and calculate merger times of dyonic binaries. We show that electric and magnetic charges ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
In the low-velocity and weak-field regime, by using the Newtonian method, we calculate the total emission rate of energy due to gravitational and ...
Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation from Charged ...
The results show that black holes and magnetars carry a similar amount of electric charge (and the same sign). Furthermore, in the collapsar/hypernova scenario ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
Abstract. We derive the equations of motion of dyonic black hole binaries with electric and magnetic charges and explore features of static orbits.
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
Abstract Extending the electromagnetic and gravitational radiations from binary black holes with electric and mag- netic charges in circular ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
It is shown that the emission rates of energy and angular momentum due to gravitational and electromagnetic radiations have the same dependence ...
Does a black hole merger emit any electromagnetic radiation, or is it ...
If one or both of the BH's were charged, then yes, the merger would generate EM radiation, mainly at the same frequency as the gravitational ...
CCRG scientists use numerical relativity to study strong-field gravitational dynamics and radiation phenomena of closely interacting binary black holes in ...
Gravitational waves from a population of binary black holes
Arguments are presented for believing that a large fraction of the 'missing mass' may be in binary black hole remnants of population III stars with mass M ...
Do only black holes emit gravitational waves?
The reason that black hole binary systems are favourable for gravitational wave detection is that they can get close together before they merge.
Binary black holes' effects on electromagnetic fields - PubMed
In addition to producing gravitational waves, the dynamics of a binary black hole system could induce emission of electromagnetic radiation by affecting the ...
Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes ...
DOI: 10.1088/1572-9494/acce98) We derive the hyperbolic orbit of binary black holes with electric and magnetic charges.