
Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture

Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture

This study explores the effect of three management practices on the soil water balance and plant growth, specifically on evapotranspiration (ET) and yield (Y)

Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture:

Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture: Effect of irrigation techniques, irrigation strategies and mulching. A.D. Chukalla, M.S. ...

Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture

Interactive comment on “Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture: effect of irrigation techniques, irrigation strategies and ...

(PDF) Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture

Reduction in overall consumptive WF always goes together with an increasing ratio of green to blue WF. The WF of growing a crop for a particular environment is ...

Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture

Understanding water resource use in crop production by source (rainwater, irrigation water from surface and ground- water, water from capillary ...

Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture

This study explores the effect of three management practices on the soil water balance and plant growth, specifically on evapotranspiration (ET) and yield (Y)

The green and blue crop water requirement WATNEEDS model and ...

This water comes from precipitation (green water - GW) and, in the case of deficiency, it is supplemented by irrigation (blue water - BW).

Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture - OUCI

Reduction in overall consumptive WF always goes together with an increasing ratio of green to blue WF. The WF of growing a crop for a particular environment is ...

Agricultural water-saving potentials with water footprint ...

The water footprint (WF) of crop production is a measure of the volumes of blue water (irrigation water) and green water (effective ...

Green, blue, and grey water footprint reduction in irrigated crop ...

... blue and grey WF in crop production. Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture: effect of irrigation techniques ...

The effect of soil mulching and drip irrigation - ScienceDirect

Mulching and drip irrigation will reduce the blue water footprint in Upper Litani Basin (ULB) by 5%. •. Additional measures will be needed to ...

The effect of different agricultural management practices on ...

Results show that deficit irrigation most effectively improved blue water use, by increasing IE (by 5%) and reducing blue WF (by 38%), however with an average 9 ...

The green, blue and grey water footprint of crops and derived crop ...

The first soil water balance scenario is carried out based on the assumption that the soil does not receive any irrigation, but using crop parameters of ...

Green and blue water footprint reduction in irrigated agriculture

Keywords ### #waterfootprint #soilwater #waterbalance #managementpractices #plantgrowth #consumptive #consumptivewater #RTCLTV ### Article ...

How does building healthy soils impact sustainable use of water ...

Blue water requirements represent the amount of irrigation required to make up the difference between ET and the green crop water requirement, ...

Water Footprint, Blue Water Scarcity, and Economic Water ... - MDPI

The average annual consumption of blue water by major crops in the basin was 1.9 billion m 3 , where 67% was used for sugarcane and maize, covering 48% of the ...

The Value of Rainwater: Why Green Water Footprints Matter

Blue Water Footprint refers to irrigation from surface water and groundwater that is consumed (i.e. evaporated or incorporated into a crop) ...

Water footprints and crop water use of 175 individual crops for 1990 ...

The consumptive WF includes appropriated green water from precipitation and blue water from irrigation or capillary rise. Both green and blue ...

Agricultural green and blue water consumption and its influence on ...

Even on irrigated cropland, 35% (ILIM) and 20% (IPOT) of water consumption consisted of green water. An additional 8155 km3 year−1 of green ...

Reducing the water footprint of irrigated agriculture - Revista Cultivar

There are three types of water that make up the water footprint: blue, green and gray water. Blue water is water that is taken from surface ...