
HTTP request returns html instead of json

what causes apis to return html content instead of the json data it ...

If the server returns JSON from one way and html from another, look what say the html code, can be a server error, cors, bad configuration on ...

Fetch -API returning HTML instead of JSON - Stack Overflow

I get a syntax error on this call Unexpected token < Thus when I check using response.text() I can see that the data returned is HTML and not ...

API GET request returns an HTML print instead of JSON data ...

I wanted to implement a GET request, however, the response returns HTML code instead of JSON data. The request works fine in Postman and a NodeJS version as ...

API request returns text/html and not a json object - Discourse Meta

I do get a 200 , but it returns with a 'Content-Type': 'text/html , and not a JSON (which is what I want). And I'm not even sure the text it returns is the ...

HTTP request returns html instead of json - JMP User Community

Essentially instead of JSON I receive html. The interesting thing is that it works with Postman, Python, even Excel.

API Call Returns Response In HTML Instead Of JSON

Root Cause: Most likely there was an issue with the endpoint that was being used as the issue can be reproduced when misspelling the endpoint - ...

Response returns html content instead of json - Mendix Community

I'm trying to import (GET) data (by creating json structure and import mapping) from another Mendix app which should be in the json format.

API call returns html instead of json but works great using ... - GitHub

And since it's a SPA, it always return the index.html file. The url should be /api/colors , for example: http://localhost:5000 ...

What's actually wrong with an endpoint returning HTML rather than ...

If you are populating a web page with data, use JSON. If you are building up a web page from portions of web pages, use HTML. They may kinda ...

GET requests response is returned in HTML not JSON - Help

Trying to get my first response for GET request and it is always in HTML format , tried changing the options in BODY , nothing helped ...

Server returning HTML instead of JSON - Django Forum

It is not really clear where in the code the return is HTML and not a JSON response. ... It's a POST request with a 200 HTTP response code.

User login through JSON request returning HTML instead of JSON

It turned out that the Redirect after login module was redirecting to the given URL, which resulted in HTML being output.

API Returning HTML Instead of JSON At Specific Routes? - dev

calling a specific route returns HTML instead of json · calling a different route with same code returns json as expected · accessing the broken ...

HTML coming back in response instead of JSON | IBM Verify

When we trigger the access policy in PostMan, it returns the html page rather than the json response as the 1st command does. We are passing in the accept: ...

Why am I getting HTML instead of JSON data? Hi guys I've only just ...

I've been getting this error when I try to GET from an HTTP request. This is the error message I get- the GET method returns HTML instead of JSON data.

POST Request to action returns page HTML instead of the response ...

I'm using the Fetch API to make a request to my page's action function. The function is supposed to return a JSON response.

Confluence 7.13.7 API Request Returns HTML Instead of JSON

In Confluence 7.13.7, my API calls are unexpectedly returning HTML content rather than JSON. I've checked my request headers and ensured Accept: application/ ...

HTML Returned instead of JSON - Laracasts

... get('/books/99999', ['Accept' => 'application/json'])->response); }. But, If I make a PUT, DELETE, etc request I get HTML back. Copy /** @test (json test) ...

Production .NET Core web api returns html instead of json

receiving html instead of json is almost always caused by the error page being returned. Please sign in to rate this answer.

How return a JSON response instead of an HTML error code like ...

Postman is an HTTP client and does not control the server's response format. If you set the Accept header in Postman to application/json and ...