
Habitat loss and bird migration

Threats to Birds: Habitat Impacts | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Loss, degradation and fragmentation of important migratory bird habitat have been identified as potentially the largest individual threat to migratory birds.

Habitat loss could spell trouble for 91 percent of migratory birds

Results from a new study reveal that just 9% of migratory birds receive adequate protection across their entire ranges.

Habitat loss on the breeding grounds is a major contributor to ...

Many migratory species are declining and for most, the proximate causes of their declines remain unknown. For many long-distance Neotropical ...

Threats to Birds | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Birds in every habitat will be affected by human-caused sources, so conserving migratory bird populations requires a multi-faceted, coordinated approach by ...


In the case of birds, habitats provide cover from predators; breeding, wintering, and migration stopover sites; and places to forage ... then, that habitat loss ...

Impacts of habitat loss on migratory shorebird populations and ...

Habitat loss usually impacts the use of stopover sites by migratory birds. Some species can adjust their migration behaviour when facing habitat loss/ ...

Nearly 3 Billion Birds Gone - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

What's driving this decline? NARRATOR: Birds are losing the habitats they need, places to live, find food, rest, and raise their young. They face many other ...

Habitat loss and bird migration: effects of human activities on nature

This impact on bird habitats can be attributed to several anthropogenic factors such as deforestation, agricultural expansion, urbanization, and pollution.

Conservation of Migratory Wildlife

Habitat Loss and Migratory Shorebirds Populations of migratory animals are in decline around the world ... Bird populations that migrate along the East ...

Birds at Risk - American Bird Conservancy

All of this is in addition to natural losses suffered by migratory birds due to predation, headwinds, and bad weather. EXAMPLE: WOOD THRUSH. The Wood Thrush ...

Understanding the Marvels and Challenges of Bird Migration

Habitat loss, climate change, and human activities threaten migratory bird populations. Loss of habitat due to urbanization, agriculture ...

Birds report finds losses in all habitats, except wetlands

Birds are declining overall in every habitat, except wetlands – a finding that could provide a viable strategy for improving outcomes for all birds.

Loss of functional connectivity in migration networks induces ...

Migratory birds rely on a habitat network along their migration routes by temporarily occupying stopover sites between breeding and ...

The World Is Losing Migratory Species at Alarming Rates

Habitat loss, largely driven by land use change for agriculture, is degrading and fragmenting the ecosystems that are fundamental for migratory ...

Habitat Loss | National Wildlife Federation

The loss and fragmentation of habitats makes it difficult for migratory species to find places to rest and feed along their migration routes. Habitat ...

Why are one-fifth of the world's migratory species facing extinction?

Environmental changes and habitat loss in the Yellow Sea between China and Korea in the Western Pacific have particularly affected water birds, ...

New report reveals widespread losses of birds in all U.S. habitats

While over half of the country's bird species are in decline, investments in wetland conservation have seen long-term increases in waterfowl ...

5 Key Findings About the Current State of the World's Migratory ...

Key threats to migratory bird species include factors like habitat loss, climate change, pollution and illegal hunting activities. Migratory ...

Major Findings — #BringBirdsBack - 3 Billion Birds

Although the study did not investigate causes, scientists have identified that habitat loss is the biggest overall driver of bird declines. When habitat ...

Birds in Crisis - Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

Habitat loss is the biggest overall driver of bird declines. When habitat disappears, all the birds that live there lose their homes. Habitat ...