
Hasselblad vs Mamiya 6

Hasselblad or Mamiya 6? Go with my heart or my brain (and back)?

But, the Mamiya 6 setup is significantly smaller and lighter weight than the Hasselblad setup, whether it's a 1 lens setup for each or a 3 lens ...

Hasselblad vs Mamiya 6 (Which is the Best 6x6 camera?!)

Here I review 2 of my favourite 6×6 film cameras: Hasselblad 501C vs Mamiya 6 – 6×6 camera comparison (+ sample photos)

A Mamiya 6 OR Hasselblad 500cm | The GetDPI Photography Forum

If you want to use it handheld, get the Mamiya 6 -- it is easier to handhold, easier to press the shutter without vibrating the camera, it has ...

For arguments sake choose one... Hasselblad or Mamiya 6 -

But is this system much lighter anymore compared to a two lens Hasselblad setup? ... It's Mamiya 6 vs. Hasselblad SLR, and of these two, only the ...

Hasselblad vs Mamiya RZ67 (6x6 vs 6x7 Cameras)

The Hasselblad is smaller, lighter, arguably better built but also more expensive than the RZ. If you are on a tight budget I would say you can capture equally ...

Considering replacing my 500cm and 645 af with Mamiya 6

I have the 75mm now. What I like about the Mamiya 6: The lenses are INCREDIBLE. The 75mm Mamiya 6 lens is sharper than the Hasselblad Zeiss 80mm ...

Hasselblad 500c Vs Mamiya 6 - YouTube

Within this video we put the Hasselblad 500c up against the Mamiya 6 both with there respective 50mm Lenses, being the Mamiya 6 50mm & the ...

Martin Bluhm Photography | Hasselblad 500 C/M vs Mamiya RZ67 Pro

In a studio, the Mamiya can be advantageous over Hasselblad due to its shorter minimum focus distance better suited for portraits and head shots ...

SEDONA ON FILM - Leica M6, Mamiya 6, Hasselblad 500C/M

Order a print of Sedona: Clever Supply Straps: Film ...

DO BUY A Mamiya 6 - Flickr

I also had used a Mamiya 7 for some time but sold it as I simply love the square format. I am concurrently owning and using a Hasselblad 500Cm system. I ...

Turning to Film: Getting to know the Mamiya 6 and my film preference

It really is different from shooting digital. From the way my Mamiya light meter works compared to those of modern digital cameras to the fact ...

Mamiya 6 Review - The Best 6x6 Medium Format Camera

When it comes to the square, the Hasselblad and Rolleiflex are some of the heaviest hitters. In fact, many write off the Mamiya 6 as the ...

just another Mamiya 7 vs. Hasselblad (round 3) - Rangefinderforum

The 80mm lens of Mamiya 7 is supposed to have smoother OOF areas in close range shots than the 75mm of Mamiya 6. I would just say that while the 75mm Mamiya 6 ...

Mamiya 6 Review - Toivonen photography

Maybe a rangefinder? I often wish that I would shoot more 120 film, but my Hasselblad 500C/M is a beast to carry around. It is so heavy, and ...

Hasselblad SWC vs. Mamiya 7 with 43mm lens - 35mmc

The Hasselblad has a fixed 38mm f4.5 lens and shoots a 6×6 format allowing for 12 shots per roll. It takes standard Hasselblad film backs and uses a very ...

How does the Mamiya 7 compact compare to other medium format ...

A few points the other posters haven't addressed. The Hasselblad makes a square 6x6 negative. It is an SLR. The Mamiya 6 is a range finder and ...

Hasselblad vs Mamiya 6 - Flickr

Darcie, UK Hasselblad 501C + Zeiss Distagon 60mm f3.5 CF + Kodak Tri-X 400@200 film Xtol 1:3, 21 degrees, 10min, Epson v800 scan NEW!

Hasselblad vs Mamiya 6 (Which is the Best 6x6 camera?!) - Pinterest

Hasselblad vs Mamiya 6 review & portraits - Which is the best 6x6 camera? I compare size, ease of use, rangefinder vs SLR & image sharpness.

Mamiya 6 vs Mamiya 7 -

Mamiya 6 is a 6x6 (bonus for me) and has an averaging meter. Mamiya 7 is spot meter only so you need to be more experienced to get a proper exposure every time.

My GoTo MF | Mamiya 6 Review & Photos ( + Mamiya 6 vs Mamiya ...

Mamiya 6 Review & Photos: Why I Chose the Mamiya 6 vs Mamiya 7 & Mamiya 6 vs Hasselblad ✓ Check price on eBay - (Com) ...