
Having a Favorite Child Is a Real Thing—And That's Okay

Having a Favorite Child Is a Real Thing—And That's Okay | Well+Good

5 ways to deal with your parent having a favorite child · 1. Do introspective work · 2. Communicate with your parent · 3. Talk to your siblings.

Why do people think it's okay to have a favorite child when it's not?

What is not okay ever is to let any of your children suspect that one of them is your favourite: neither the favoured one, nor his or her ...

Honest question: Do all parents have a favorite child? - Reddit

I understand that parents love their children, but I don't believe it's true that they love them all equally. I actually think it's nearly ...

Is having a favourite child really a bad thing? - BBC

Most mothers and fathers have favourites – and that's OK. “There are going to be days when we prefer to be around one child over another, for a ...

The Password Kid: I Have a Favorite Child and That's OK

The key is not to show favoritism. Even when I'm in the season of preferring one child, the other two don't have a clue. I make sure to spend ...

Is it normal for parents to have a favorite child? If yes, is it proper?

Most parents say they love all their children equally. Some really do but a lot do have a favorite child. If you are one of the parents that has ...

The Taboo of Having a Favorite Child - Happy With Baby

Because the truth that many of us grown adults know too well is that when one of us grew up as the favorite in our families, both kids suffer.

Is It Bad to Have a Favorite Child? Because I Definitely Do - PureWow

Despite the parent shaming that's likely to follow if you share this with others, the fact is that most parents have a favorite child. So you ...

Your parents have a favorite child, but it's not who you think

While parents deny it, they do have a favorite. Children often are wrong about who is favored, but having a favorite impacts the health of mom, ...

Is it normal for parents to pick a favorite child among their children?

while i'm sure there there are some parents out there who feel they have a favorite, i think it's recognizing traits or personality ...

If you ask any parent if they have a favorite child, they'll probably

If you ask any parent if they have a favorite child, they'll probably deny that they do. But if you ask yourself if YOUR parents have a ...

Think you're mom's favorite? A Purdue social scientist says think ...

Families rarely talk about this, but research shows that many parents do, in fact, have a favorite and least favorite child. And more often than ...

Is having a favorite child harmful to your kids? - YouTube

A lot of parents don't like to admit it, but they have a favorite child. Is that a bad thing? Anthony Mason and Rebecca Jarvis speak with ...

Are There Consequences When Parents Have A Favourite Child?

Some parents may not see how that bad it affects the self esteem children but it's a real thing. It's unfair to give one child favouritism ...

Do You Have A Favorite Child? - YouTube

Child Psychologist Jamie Howard helps us understand the psychology behind having a special bond with one child over the other.

Is it ok to have a favourite child? - Growing Faith

At times, or for a season, it may seem that one is a little more lovely than the other(s), and we may find ourselves having a “favourite”. One ...

Is It Okay to Have a “Favorite” Child? The Surprising Truth ❤ Ever ...

The Surprising Truth ❤ Ever wonder if it's okay to have a “favorite” child? You're not alone! The truth is, relationships with each child can ...

Long Term Effects of Parental Favoritism - Baton Rouge Parents

Seventy percent of mothers who participated in the survey admitted to having a favorite child. While that may be concerning, what we should ...

The Weekly Skill: How to Have A Favorite Child Without The Guilt

If you read that title and clicked the link to see what this post is talking about, chances are you have a favorite child! And that's okay. Contrary to belief, ...


Heze has more sense than a lot of adults. Such a wise an introspective child. "If you going to have a favorite child, just have one baby.