
Historical Evolution of the Social Dimension of the European ...

Historical Evolution of the Social Dimension of the European ...

His research interests are International Relations and Development, EU integration, and EU External Relations. 1. Social Dimension of the European Union ...

Issues and Future Prospects of the European Social Model

Historical Evolution of the Social Dimension of the European Integration : Issues and Future Prospects of the European Social Model · Abstract · No full-text ...

Evolving Social Dimension of the European Higher Education Area

The social dimension is a term coined in the early years of the Bologna Process (BP). Although mentioned in the early ministerial communiqué texts, ...

Social Europe: from slogan to reality - Fondation Robert Schuman

The argument that the Single Market needs a social dimension has an even longer history: it dates back to the 1980's. Gradually, social initiatives were ...

Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union

development processes in their triple dimension: environmental, economic and social. It is no accident that in Europe, the social economy was a pioneer of ...

the social dimension of the european union: a new type of welfare

From a chronological perspective, the social dimension can be seen as a historical form of ... development of welfare regimes", in Journal of European Social.

The social dimension of Europe - CEC European Managers

And throughout the history of European enlargement, the prospect of adhering to the Communities first and the Union then has represented for many countries a ...

The Social Dimension of the European Union: A Means to lock out ...

In the process of European integration, the social dimension has to date been subordinated to presumed economic requirements.

The Social Dimension of the European Union: Grand - EUROSHIP

Yet, it was not until the beginning of the new century, with the launch of the Lisbon Strategy, that a major restructuring in. EU social governance and a shift ...

Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union

for guaranteeing sustainable development processes in their triple dimension: environmental, economic and social. It is no accident that in Europe, the ...

The revival of Social Europe: is this time different? - Sage Journals

The renewed move towards more social EU policies is another phase in the development of Social Europe that has been characterised by periods of ...

Europe's political, social, and economic (dis-)integration

At the beginning of the integration process, scholars perceived European integration as a multidimensional process and highlighted the interrelations between ...

The European Pillar of Social Rights: Impact and Advancement

The question about the social dimension of the European integration process is not new. But for a while now it has been experiencing a political revival that ...

A Critical History of the Use of 'European Values' - SpringerLink

First, there was the enlargement of the European Community. It was no coincidence that one of the first official reflections about what Europe ...


For these reasons, public debate and political action concerning the reinforcement of European social dimension should ... Certainly, history shows that ...

Social Europe: A Dead End - HAL-SHS

on the historical path of Social Europe and on the management of the eu- ... the EU's social dimension are the Europe 2020 strategy, the European.

Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and ...

... European Semester's social dimension has evolved ... different stages to describe the historical development of the European Social Dialogue and ...

Our history | Socialists & Democrats

The Socialist Group played a key role in advocating for a stronger social dimension ... Campaign for the European Social Charter 1989 History. 1980-1989. The ...

The 'Social Dimension' of Postwar Europe | Oxford Academic

European integration is widely depicted—in the official history of European institutions as well as in schoolbooks and often in the public ...

The social dimension of the European Union: steady march forward in

The chapter is a historical discussion of the development of the social dimension in the EU and how this was expanded throughout the 1990s ...