
How Does Business Fare Under Populism?

How Does Business Fare Under Populism?

It is worth asking: how do economies and businesses fare under leaders who are supposedly pro-business but use populism to gain and maintain power?

How Does Business Fare Under Populism? - FIU Digital Commons

It is worth asking: how do economies and businesses fare under leaders who are supposedly pro-business but use populism to gain and maintain power?

The demands of populism on business and the creation of ...

In extreme cases, populist regimes attempt to use multinationals as a means to garner legitimacy, demanding additional obligations under CPO that would not be ...

How Does Business Fare Under Populism? - Policy Commons

Leaders who run on a populist strategy position themselves within the left-right spectrum, but they gain power by polarizing society. Their ...

When Populists Rise, Economies Usually Fall

Business leaders are quick to abhor left-wing populism, with its government giveaways to supporters, spending on boondoggle projects, ...

How do economies fare under populist rule? – DW – 03/14/2024

According to their campaign promises, populists tend to close borders for the movement of people, and also of trade and capital. They like to ...

Why Populism is Bad for Business - YouTube

In recent years the world has seen a rise in populism. This style of governance has direct implications for business and the economy.

(PDF) The demands of populism on business: Introducing corporate ...

Populism is an ideologically fluid political vehicle which increases political risk and forces firms to adapt. As populist parties claim to ...

How to handle populists: a CEO's survival guide - The Economist

Any residual business-friendliness no longer stems from a belief that what is good for business is good for citizens—and so, by extension, for ...

Populism and the Economics of Globalization

kept lowering the costs of doing business across national borders. ... This is standard economic fare – familiar to all trade economists, even if not.

Populist Leaders and the Economy - Portail HAL Sciences Po

What economic consequences can we expect from the global surge of populist politics in recent years? How do economies fare under populist rule ...

Why Does Globalization Fuel Populism? Economics, Culture, and ...

Why does globalization appear to have an outsized effect on politics compared to, say, technological change or regular business cycles? Fourth, the populist ...

Business for Democracy: A Call for Courage and Action

But it was noted that committed leaders within business associations ... How does Business Fare Under Populism by Rachel Kleinfeld Corporate Civic ...

The price of populism: Financial market outcomes of populist ...

In turn, we find the electoral success of right-wing populists to reduce risk assessments, which could be driven by its frequent association with rent-seeking ...

6 Italy: Populism and Business in a Stagnant Economy

Business elites thus had to respond to multiple political and socio-economic shocks. The question that this chapter seeks to address is how their relationship ...

Populism in Place: The Economic Geography of the Globalization ...

Institutional differences in labor markets and electoral rules across developed democracies may explain some of the variation in populists' electoral success.

How do Populists Govern? | Populism and Liberal Democracy

Another common characteristic of all populist parties in office is their systematization of patronage politics under the logic of excluding the opposition from ...

Populism: Why in rich countries and in good times - CEPR

This column, part of the Vox debate on the topic, argues that income inequality plays a role. When the economy is strong, everyone fares well ...

What History Teaches Us - Democracy Journal

The Populists introduced a set of economic reforms aimed at creating a more equitable and just society. They demanded the creation of a progressive income tax ...

In election situations, what exactly is wrong with “populism ... - Quora

Populism” is telling the people what they want to hear, appealing to emotion and sentiment and playing on peoples ignorance, prejudice and ...