
How My Dad's Abusive Childhood Influenced The Way I Parent

How My Dad's Abusive Childhood Influenced The Way I Parent

For all of the negative side effects that my father's abusive childhood had, he is an amazing, resilient person. He broke the cycle of abuse. My parents never ...

How My Abusive Dad Shaped My Own Parenting - Romper

So, the honest part of me has to admit that my childhood has influenced my parenting in ways I couldn't have possibly fathomed. The honest ...

What are the effects on children witnessing their father abuse their ...

Let me explain first hand what the affects are. I witnessed domestic violence - my step father abusing my mother for 12 years. Ultimately my ...

(Serious) Former abusive parents, why did you abuse your kids?

As a formerly abused child who has a dad who has the same mindset as you, just know there is probably some resentment from your kid at the very ...

How to Be a Good Parent After a Bad Childhood

It was bad when their screaming matches erupted in fisticuffs, my father punching my mother and pulling her hair. It was bad when we tried to ...

Can Abusive Parents Change? If So, What Does Change Look Like?

So in my experience, my abusive parent has not changed and likely ... my father still participated in abusing me as the enabling parent.

Abusive adult children influence parents' self-image negatively

Abusive adult children with their perverse opinions, accusations and blame, negatively affect parents' self-esteem and confidence.

When One Parent Is Hurtful and the Other Stands By

“I think my dad loved me in a way, but he also left me utterly confused about loyalty and trust. My mother was hugely critical of me and sniped ...

Anyone had an abusive parent who changed as they got older?

My mum was abusive. But we had a good childhood in alot of ... my Dad & feel guilty for feeling this way. As ihatesonic tonic has ...


Kids who grow up around domestic abuse are afraid. The primary thing they live in dread of is the next time that their father will verbally rip Mom to shreds.

I Watched My Dad Murder My Mom. It Changed Everything I Thought ...

For many weeks after that, my father did not lay a hand on mama, but he regularly lashed out at her in other ways. He became more controlling of ...

Why did my mother never do anything when my father abused me?

But in my own case, my Mother didn't stop my Father's abuse either. But my Mother was a victim of his rage as well. And not just his rage, but ...

Stronger for the Breaks - How to Heal from a Toxic Parent - Hey ...

The abuse started at a young for me. My father mostly but my mother let him and encouraged him. I was forced to kneel on beans, hit with belts and objects.

How do ideal with my abusive father. - Dementia Support Forum

She lives with my dad, who is 86 and thankfully in reasonably good health for his age. I do as much as I can to support my parents, I help with ...

How do you handle taking care of an elderly parent who abused you ...

Each had their own experiences, own way of dealing with them & if they have both chosen to confront your Father, well, that is up to them. You ...

Best approach when talking about DV to adult children?

It's very telling that the children are afraid of their dad. My ex was similar. Loads of silent treatments, sulking, general man-child/abusive behaviour though ...

A Father's Impact on Child Development - Children's Bureau

Behavioral problems (fatherless children have more difficulties with social adjustment, and are more likely to report problems with friendships, ...

When A Parent Needs Too Much: What Is Enmeshment and How ...

My emotionally abusive marriage has changed my personality ... Ugh, that last thing I want to do is make him feel the way my dad makes me feel.

Types of Damaging Fathers and How They Influence Who We Are

Dads give us a pattern to emulate until our own mannerisms and way of being are fully developed. It's so important for a child to receive the ...

Growing up and moving on: How my dad's abuse impacted my life

As a child, I witnessed my mother suffer from domestic abuse at the hands of my father and it has affected me in ways I am still realising to this day.