
How Unique Sequences are stored in Named Value Storage

How Unique Sequences are stored in Named Value Storage

The last value for the sequence is in Value. The format is: Sequence name[(sequencing property ID-selected value list item ID)].

2.6 Managing Sequences - Oracle Help Center

A sequence generates a serial list of unique numbers for numeric columns of a database table. You can create, browse, drop, alter a sequence and view a report.

Should hibernate use unique sequences for each table?

@GenericGenerator( name = "optimized-sequence ... In entity, use generation strategy as SEQUENCE and for next time gen value allocation set ...

SQL | SEQUENCES - GeeksforGeeks

The application has control over how sequences and tables interact. A sequence object can be referred to by user applications, and the values ...

UUID or cached sequences? - DEV Community

There are other reasons to use UUID but this post is about scalability. In most databases, sequence generators can be scalable with a cache: ...

Managing Sequences - Oracle Help Center

Sequences are database objects from which multiple users can generate unique integers. The sequence generator generates sequential numbers.

Using Sequences | Snowflake Documentation

Sequences are used to generate unique numbers across sessions and statements, including concurrent statements. They can be used to generate values for a ...

Distributed sequence number generation? - java - Stack Overflow

OK, this is a very old question, which I'm first seeing now. You'll need to differentiate between sequence numbers and unique IDs that are ...

Sequence Numbers - SQL Server - Microsoft Learn

The sequence number is allocated when NEXT VALUE FOR is called even if the number is never inserted into a table. The NEXT VALUE FOR function ...

Sequence Overview - MariaDB Knowledge Base

It's an alternative to AUTO INCREMENT when one wants to have more control of how the numbers are generated. As the SEQUENCE caches values (up to the CACHE value ...

CREATE SEQUENCE | Vertica 23.3.x

Defines a named sequence number generator object. Named sequences let you set the default values of primary key columns. Sequences guarantee uniqueness.

Sequence objects feature in SQL Server - SQLShack

Another advantage over IDENTITY property, cache refers to the storage in memory of latest sequence value as well as the number remaining values ...

Sequence generation in Spanner | Solutions - Google Cloud

Your application can implement a sequence generator by using a database table to store the sequence names and the next value in the sequence. Reading and ...

Documentation: 17: CREATE SEQUENCE - PostgreSQL

CREATE SEQUENCE creates a new sequence number generator. This involves creating and initializing a new special single-row table with the name name.

Working with KV stores | Fastly Help Guides

A KV store is a type of container that allows you to store data in the form of key-value pairs for use in high performance reads and writes at the edge.

CREATE SEQUENCE (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server - Microsoft Learn

Sequences, unlike identity columns, are not associated with specific tables. Applications refer to a sequence object to retrieve its next value.

PostgreSQL Sequences - Neon

The CACHE determines how many sequence numbers are preallocated and stored in memory for faster access. One value can be generated at a time.

Reusable Sequence Generators - Informatica Documentation

When you have a reusable Sequence Generator transformation in several sessions and the sessions run at the same time, use Number of Cached Values ...

Introduction to SQL Server sequence objects - Simple Talk

A sequence object is an object that can be used to generate a sequence of integer numbers based on starting and increment values.


If the values do not match, the operation fails. Remarks. The named value storage is a server-side mechanism for persistently storing key-object pairs for ...