
How Will Minimum Wage Changes Impact Higher Ed?

How Will Minimum Wage Changes Impact Higher Ed? - CUPA-HR

67% of Americans support raising the federal minimum hourly wage from $7.25 to $15 per hour, with 41% strongly supporting the increase.

How Minimum Wage Increases Influence Student Enrollments | NBER

Increases to state minimum wages are associated with falling enrollment at local community colleges, according to a new study.

Increases in minimum wage decrease community college enrollment

The research reveals a negative correlation between minimum wage increases and community college enrollment, particularly among part-time students, but finds no ...

Minimum Wage: How it impacts college students - Southeast Arrow

According to GradesFixer, an online database that provides information to improve academic success, a higher minimum wage would provide students ...

How Will Minimum Wage Changes Impact Higher Ed? - ERIC

According to a 2019 Pew Research Center survey, 67% of Americans support raising the federal minimum hourly wage from $7.25 to $15 per hour, ...

Minimum Wage Increases Linked To Reduced Community College ...

Despite the declines in enrollment at two-year colleges, the study found certificate and degree completions remained largely unchanged in ...

Enrollment drops at two-year colleges after minimum wage gains

The findings suggest that minimum wage increases don't seem to divert students who would have otherwise stayed in college and earned their ...

The minimum wage and teen educational attainment - ScienceDirect

Consistently across data sources, sources of variation, and empirical specifications, I find that an increase in the minimum wage lowers the likelihood that low ...

Report breaks down whether higher ed leads to living wage

Students who graduated from nearly one-fourth of America's colleges and universities earned less than a $15 minimum wage 10 years later, ...

The “Ripple Effect” of a Minimum Wage Increase on American Workers

Calls for minimum wage increases—at the federal, state, and local levels—are based on the premise that rises in the minimum wage will improve the economic well- ...

As Minimum Wages Rise, Community College Enrollments Decline

Following an 8% or greater change in the minimum wage, two-year enrollment across all institutions dropped by 4.6%. The decline persisted for the next five ...

Study: Increasing minimum wage has positive effects on employment

In the most concentrated labor markets, the authors found that employment rises following a minimum wage increase. This research provides ...

Raising State Minimum Wages, Lowering Community College ...

Increases in the minimum wage can impact both labor supply and labor demand in manners that have theoretically ambiguous impacts on enrollment. On the ...

Higher minimum wage lowers enrollment in academic programs at ...

As minimum wage hikes may increase competition in the labor market, students already enrolled in community college are less likely to drop out, ...

Does increasing the minimum wage lead to higher prices?

New research shows that the pass-through effect on prices is fleeting and much smaller than previously thought.

How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect ...

If workers lost their jobs because of a minimum-wage increase, how long would they stay jobless? At one extreme, an increase in the minimum wage ...

Overtime Rule Proposal & the Impact on Higher Education

Under the proposed Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the salary level that is exempt will increase from $35,568 (set by the Trump administration) ...

Increasing minimum wage has positive effects on employment

In the most concentrated labor markets, the authors found that employment rises following a minimum wage increase. This research provides ...

Raising State Minimum Wages, Lowering Community College ...

Standard errors are clustered at the state level. 22. Page 25. Figure A.5. Impact of minimum wage changes on two-year enrollment by change size.

Research: When a Higher Minimum Wage Leads to Lower ...

... wage can actually have a significant negative impact on the total compensation of hourly workers ... Minimum wage increases are also often ...