
How a tax on sugary drinks is part of the solution.

How a tax on sugary drinks is part of the solution.

The AMA – Australia's doctors – are calling for a tax only on a subset of sugary drinks: all non-alcoholic drinks containing free sugars.

Taxes on sugary drinks: Why do it? - IRIS

On average, a single can of a sugary drink contains around 40 grams of free sugars 2 (equivalent to around 10 teaspoons of table sugar). 1 Sugary drinks are ...

Taxing sugar-sweetened beverages as a policy to reduce ...

In eight of the thirteen studies selected, a positive effect of an SSB tax on decreasing overweight and obesity prevalence was expected. It is estimated that a ...

Centering Equity in Sugary Drink Tax Policy - Healthy Food America

Taxing sugary drinks has emerged as an important healthy food and chronic disease prevention policy. Sugary drink taxes generate substantial revenues to ...

Taxing sugary drinks - Healthy Food America

The tax is an excise tax on distributors of sugary drinks. Current taxes in the US are based on volume (one to two cents per ounce).

City-based soda pop taxes don't effectively reduce sugar consumption

As taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages continue to pop up across the U.S. and abroad, public health experts laud their effect on lowering ...

Sugar-sweetened beverage tax: the inconvenient truths - PMC

... tax on sugary drinks( ). Similar taxes in other countries have failed ... The beverage industry is committed to be part of the solution. Maintaining ...

Is taxing sugar-sweetened beverages a sweet deal?

Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes can enhance welfare across society as a whole by incentivizing individuals to reduce unhealthy consumption and ...

The Pros and Cons of Taxing Sweetened Beverages Based on ...

We conclude that taxing based on the amount of added sugar a drink contains, either by taxing sugar content directly or by levying higher volume taxes on drinks ...

Taxes on sugary drinks cut consumer sales by 33%, study says - CNN

The impact on sales of sugar-sweetened beverages in restaurants and of sales taxes on artificially sweetened drinks were not part of the study, ...

Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

Ethical issues: Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes have drawn criticism for being regressive. A similar argument was raised concerning tobacco taxes but was ...

Why Tax Sugary Drinks? - Global Food Research Program

beverages.97-99. A Solution: Tax Sugary Drinks. • Sugary drink taxes are a WIN-WIN for governments because they reduce sugary drink consumption.

Sugary Drink Taxes | UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health

Evaluations of these interventions provide increasingly strong evidence of reduced purchases of sugary drinks as a result of their taxation. They also bring in ...

A tax on sugary drinks can make us healthier - Grattan Institute

The evidence shows that well-designed taxes can reduce sugary drink sales, cause people to choose healthier options and get manufacturers to reduce the sugar ...

Sugary drinks tax: response from the Institute for Fiscal Studies

If people switch away from soft drinks, they are likely, to some extent, to switch towards other food and drink products. If they choose products that are also ...

Case for a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in Australia

SSB taxes have been shown to reduce consumption of SSBs and encourage manufacturers to reformulate drinks to reduce sugar content. Funds from these taxes can ...

Research reveals new evidence that sugary beverage tax impacts ...

Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes, often called soda taxes, aim to provide financial incentives to consumers choosing healthier beverages while ...

Soda Taxes Are Not a Sensible Solution to Combat Obesity

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data indicates that when individuals reduce soda consumption due to soda tax increases, they ...

Taxing Sugary Drinks - ScholarWorks@GSU

Section 2 of this paper reviews the public health rationale for taxing sugar-sweetened beverages and the evidence on the extent to which SSB taxes have reduced ...

Rejection of sugar tax is based on faulty logic about the poor

A sugary drinks tax is by no means a solution to the obesity crisis and would only ever constitute part of a broader strategy. Also the extent to which it falls ...